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Film & TV

Film & TV
Limal's avatar

Bounty Idea: Movies You Couldn't Finish Watching

We've all encountered movies that we simply couldn't finish watching. For this bounty, share a movie that you were unable to complete and explain why. Bonus points if you highlight specific moments that made you stop watching due to fear, intensity, or disgust, rather than just boredom or poor acting.

Describe the scenes or elements that triggered your reaction and provide insight into why they were particularly challenging for you to watch. Some films push the boundaries of our comfort zones with their content. This bounty aims to explore the powerful impact that movies can have on our emotions and tolerance levels.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I think that would make for some really interesting and varied answers. Great idea!

Sturmer's avatar

Spotlighting the Hidden Gems of the Filmmaking Team

Creating a movie is a complex process involving numerous professionals who often remain hidden in the wall of text at the end of the movie. These include scouts who find locations, audio engineers, costume and decoration designers, camera operators, light operators, and dozens of other crucial roles that contribute to the final masterpiece.

While actors, directors, and producers often get the spotlight, I want to share some love with those in the production shadows. For this bounty, pick someone from the filmmaking team who usually goes unnoticed and tell us why they are great or why you appreciate their work.

Movies are a collaborative art form, and each person involved plays a vital role in bringing the story to life. This bounty aims to highlight the invaluable contributions of those behind the scenes, showcasing the incredible talent and hard work that often goes unrecognized.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Very nice. 'The unsung heroes of filmmaking' - We'll run that for sure.

Shovel's avatar


  1. Showcase your fanciest physical book in your collection.

  2. What are your favourite romance books

  3. Recommend an author


  1. Did you ever collect magazines as a kid? What did you collect and do you still have it? Share a pic!

  2. Recommend a co-op game for couples

  3. Cozy games is the latest trend we are seeing rise from Gen Z. Recommend your top pick for a cozy, chill game.

  4. What is the last simulation game you played and why did you stop.

  5. Do you own a camera? If so, which one and why over your phone camera?


  1. Everyone loves a sitcom. A 20-30 min show to dip in and out of. So what is your favourite, as there are so many out there.

AirGaram's avatar
  1. create a sequel poster for your favourite movie

  2. fan Casting for a Book Adaptation

  3. create an Alternate Ending for a movie

  4. your favourite quote from your movies.

  5. create a review of a movie character

  6. your favourite movie bloopers

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Best behind the scenes story

We often hear about the extra mile an actor went to understand their role or when they used some real-life experiences to help them with getting a scene right. Or maybe a piece of costume or prop item has a special story? Share your favourite with us and tell us why you like it so much. Bonus points if you also link a source like an interview footage where we can hear about it directly from them.


  1. What is your favourite movie soundtrack and explain why. It could be a mix of music artists or it could be a John Williams masterpiece, for example.

  2. What is your favourite Non-English language movie and why? Help us broaden our movie horizons with new options for home viewing!

Georgina_Herdman's avatar
  1. An old TV show that needs to be remade for current audiences.

  2. Write a short story about your favourite TV/Movie antagonist

  3. If you had to create a 10 song Spotify playlist for a movie - which movie and which songs would you place in that playlist?

  4. Tell us your favourite cartoon you watched as a child.

mar1gold 's avatar
  1. A long-form response to a question about reality TV 'How do we make reality TV more ethical? Does it need to be?' 'Does reality TV warp beauty standards?' 'Weigh up the pros and cons of reality TV'

  2. (pssstttt love island is super big and maybe asking a question related to that could get some people signing up.. don't know how many people here watch it though hehehe)

  3. Biggest oscar snubs of all time

  4. Awards season.. long-form answers to questions about whether award shows hold any importance or if they are just pretentious/out of touch

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

1.Recreate a moment from a TV series or movie by recording yourself acting it out, bonus points for using props or acting in costume.

2.Make a new opening credits sequence for your favourite TV show.

3.Ever thought someone else would be better for a role then for this bounty cast a different actor in a role of your choice and explain why.

4.Write up a new ending for a movie/TV show and explain your reasoning for this new ending compared to the original.

5.Create a collage of actors from your favourite films and explain why you like them.

6.Genre swap - pick a movie and swap the genre, explain how this new movie would play out.

7.Who would you cast to play you in a movie about your life, explain your reasoning.

8.Select an animated movie and choose who you would cast to play a live action version and explain your reasoning

9.You can spend the day with any film/TV character explain who it would be and what you would do for the day.

10.Sound bites - share a 15 second sound clip that other people can try guess what movie it's from.

11.Deadpool/Wolverine - With the upcoming release of this multiversal adventure your task is to create a new universe and explain what this universe is like and how it's different from the normal marvel universe.

12.Movie mashup - create a movie synopsis using the characters from two different movies and explain how they would fit together.

13.Name a movie that you would like to see get turned into a TV series explain how it would work and who the cast would be.

14.Review the last movie you saw at the cinema in 500 words or more

15.Recast a movie using any actors from any time to create your dream version of that movie.

16.Share a TV series that you felt like it went on for to many seasons and explain your thoughts on why.

17.Name a horror film that left you scared and explain what effect it had on you.

18.What do you think is the best book to film adaptation and explain your reasoning for this.

19.What do you think is the best game to film adaptation and explain your reasoning for this.

20.You have the chance to star in the sequel to your favourite movie. What movie would this be and what role would you play in this movie.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Loads of fantastic ideas here. Excellent work!

Makster's avatar

When have the studio got it wrong? i.e. when the theatrical cut has been worse than the director's cut. We often hear that studio meddling gets in the way of the director's vision and how bureaucracy and suits stifled creativity. So when has this been the case?
e.g. Kingdom of Heaven, Blade Runner,

Deleted Scenes you wish made it into the movie? - include a clip

Best movie Soundtrack

Which series would you like a Cinematic Universe?

Which actor has been horribly mis-cast and which film?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Best deleted scenes is a great one!

0ffworld's avatar

The best unscripted/improvised scenes

This would be a bounty about the best scenes and/or improvised lines that weren't part of the script but ended up being so good that they made it into the final version of a movie.

I think there was at least one similar bounty but if this idea has already been used, then please disregard the submission.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This is fun! We'll be running it for sure.

Horror and Cats's avatar

The Greatest Pets In Film History

Name and justify the best pets in film. Lassie, the cast of Homeward Bound, General from Cat’s Eye, Sam from I Am Legend, there are so many good pets in film. Could be fun to see everyone’s take on what pet(s) lives in their mind rent free.

I’d say they have to be real animals which exist on planet Earth, but don’t necessarily have to be PLAYED by real animals (I.e. cartoon/animated film, animatronic, dude in a gorilla suit, etc.)


Re make a scene from your Favourite marvel movie using the still picture technique

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Lynicx. I'm not too sure what you mean by this, could you add some more details?


A bounty for the new game throne and liberty the gameplay was very easy to learn and the ability to change into beasts or animals to fly seim and sprint along it seemed pretty fun! Me and my partner played the beta and we was getting along fine together on a game wen we usually dont haha the graphics the open world areas it makes u wanting more time to play also at the end of the beta we all got together and had a fireworks party to celebrate it

It would be good for a bounty as its a open world game to a difference i never seen before


Sorry i didnt seen it film and tv series only! Please do a gaming one ☺️

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Hey there! No problem. We run these semi-regularly for all communities, so keep an eye on Just About Video Games, and you'll see one soon enough.


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