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Film & TV
Horror and Cats's avatar

I mean, Sean Bean has died in ALMOST everything he’s acted in lol

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Ha ha ha yes you’re right he survive in TROY because the director forgot to k1ll him 😁


You beat me to him. I would have nominated Sean Bean as well.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Danny Trejo with his Bad men face (in real life is good like Angel) but Danny almost always die

Sturmer's avatar

Helena Bonham Carter is probably an S-tier among the Actress.
Sweeney, Harry Potter, Terminator Salvation - these came to my mind

Danny Trejo, some articles mention 60-65 deaths lol

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Wow l did know it about Helena Bohnam-Carter l was thinking in the James Cameron fetiche actress Jeanette Golstein

But Danny Trejo is almost a HE WILL DIE Garantie … Tom Zisemore (+) too 🫣

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

At least l’m dance very good in the FAT BOY SLIM Vídeo 😁

henhid's avatar

I was a bit hesitant to participate in this discussion since my memory for movies isn’t that great. 😂

Along the way, I remembered Liam Neeson. Wow, since his rise to fame in 1993 with Schindler's List, I think he’s the actor I’ve seen die the most in my lifetime: Master Qui-Gon anyone?

Dying seems to be a sort of conditio sine qua non for Neeson to sign his contracts, since The Phantom Menace.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Yes is perfect for the top die in movies 😄

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Is there another answer but Sean Bean? Can't think anyone whose characters dies often than his!

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

There is so manys but from the 80’s and 90’s l know by name like 10

just think a little this Actor that Die in many movies l give you somes names without family name

  • Cowboy Lee

  • Pharaon Jul

  • Day D Tom

  • Predator Gary

And many more 🤫


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