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Hi! New member here! Are linked accounts visible to other members? I don't mind sharing with site admins but (for safety reasons) don't wish to have it easily accessible for anyone.

Dave's avatar


Staff will probably reply. But the idea of the connected accounts is that is where you post your bounty entries for some bounties such as videos, screenshots or live streams (youtube etc). On your profile itself they are not at this time visible to others by looking at your profile page but there has been talk of having this as an option the future.

What happens then is you embed your public social post into your bounty entry and as your account is connected it comes up with a green original banner around it to prove it's your account/content and not someone else's.

What most of us have done that didn't have public branded social channels and only private accounts. Is that we created new public accounts and linked those rather than our personal accounts. I would recommend doing the same from what you are talking about with the privacy issue (come up with a brand/stage name). You might find, like a few of us that you then enjoy making videos, public posts, learning new skills and start to build an audience over the long term.

Hope that makes sense. Otherwise if you don't want to do any of that then other than PayPal there is no need to link anything if you just want to do text bounry entries and join in the discussions.


Thanks so much for the detailed explaination! Still learning my way through the site. Much much appreciated.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Whatever you have linked is only visible to you and admins, when you psot something from those sites, people can then click to go to your public pages


Thanks so much for taking the time to explain this to me!

Boomer's avatar

Hi Anna, welcome to the platform 😊, and thanks Dave and EveOnlineTutorials for those really helpful explanations!

A connected PayPal account is only visible to yourself and our team, and that's only for paying out rewards each month. Connected social accounts are visible when they're used to submit to bounties, but at present they're not listed on your profile.

There are ways to earn rewards without connecting social accounts, including Organic Rewards and bounties that don't involve sharing to socials.

You can read about Dave's experience with Organic Rewards here, and Rupert talks about how we're experimenting with them throughout May.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

cause we is super helpful peoples


Will Reddit be added to the social platforms at any time? I would really like to participate in one of the image bounties, but I don't have twitter, insta, or tiktok.

Rupert's avatar

That’s a great suggestion. We’ll look to see if it’s possible. Blue sky too.

MQC's avatar

I am getting an error message when trying to link my Youtube channel. The rest of the platforms I have been able to link without problems, who can I ask to solve the problem? Thanks

Thomas's avatar

Hi MQC Would you be able to tell me what the error message you get is? Also any extra information like what browser you're using, what your YouTube channel is, etc. could be helpful.


MQC's avatar

I usually use Firefox, but with Edge I have also tried and the same error pops up:
“No YouTube Video / Channels found”.

My Youtube channel is:

Thanks for everything and sorry.

Thomas's avatar

No need to apologise!

Thomas's avatar

Hi MQC, sorry for the late reply. Looking into this, there's no obvious reason as to why this would be happening. Please can you confirm that when you try to connect the account, you are using the same Google account that your YouTube channel is associated with? I noticed that this YouTube channel is quite old and I was wondering if you've since set up a different Google account that you use for other things.

MQC's avatar

I think so, I entered the details of that Youtube account... the problem is that now I can't verify them or change them because the JustAbout website doesn't give me the option; as soon as I click on the link youtube button I automatically get the error without asking for more information...

Thomas's avatar

Hmm, okay. Please can you try the following:

  • Open an incognito/private window

  • Log in using your email address (not the "Continue with Google/Apple" buttons):

What I want to ensure is that you are not logged in to your Google account when you connect your YouTube account, so that we can be certain that it's the correct YouTube account that you are connecting to.

If this does not work, please can you submit a bug report via this form referencing this post. It would be helpful to know which email address is associated with the YouTube channel.



MQC's avatar

Perfect, I have already been able to link the youtube account... surely it was my mistake, thank you very much for your help and patience, you are the best.

Thomas's avatar

No problem! Glad you were able to sort it!


Hi, I am unable to link my youtube account and I get an error on youtube saying "Sorry, something went wrong there. Please try again."
I'm using the same email address for JustAbout as the youtube account and have tried several times. (I made one attempt with a different address with JustAbout)

The Elite Dangerous SRV bounty I'm trying to submit to is finishing very soon.

Edit: tried a different browser and it worked.

Rich's avatar

Hi there, glad you got this working in the end and welcome to the platform! Could I ask what browser you were using at first in case we can fix this for future members? Tagging Thomas from our tech team.


Hi Rich, it was Firefox but with a load of privacy add-ins (adblock, duckduckgo etc) that were probably stopping the linkage. I suspect/hope native Firefox would work fine.
Thanks for checking in!


I'm having problems getting my instagram connected. As far as instagram is concerned the connection has been authorised

"You previously connected Just About to your Instagram account. Would you like to continue sharing information about lcu_no_fool_like_one?"

but when the justabout page is reloaded it gives me this error

Instagram: Unsupported request - method type: get

Googling suggests that it is something to do with needing to verify JustAbout

Boomer's avatar

Hi LCU No Fool Like One, thanks for letting us know about this bug.

We've reported it to the tech team and they've assured us a fix is on its way. I'll let you know once the update has been released, and in the meantime feel free to tag me ( Boomer ) if you have any questions.

Boomer's avatar

LCU No Fool Like One our tech team have fixed this bug. I just tested it and it worked, but do let me know how you get on.


It seems I still have a problem. Instagram thinks I'm connected, jusabout says I'm connected, but when I try to submit an image from instagram to the contest your page wont let me click enter.

The error message is

This bounty requires an original image. We verify that content is original through connected social accounts. Please connect your account, then return here to submit. Thanks!

Boomer's avatar

Hi LCU No Fool Like One thanks for letting me know. I believe that's a separate bug that the tech team are aware of. I'll check with them first thing in the morning and get back to you.


Still not working unfortunately. Fortunately still 4 days to the deadline for the reward. So I'll keep trying.

AbyKwon117's avatar

Hello I have seen that for participating in the publications we are rewarded and when I look I have seen that I have accumulated reward and to what I am seeing it tells me to connect the PayPal account before the beginning of the month, but I already linked it and it still appears to me that "link it for before the beginning of the month" my doubt is that if we lose the rewards or it is because at the end of the month is when you Do you deliver it? Sorry for the trouble and my ignorance on the subject, I hope someone can guide me in this regard and thank you!

Boomer's avatar

Hi AbyKwon117, thanks for reaching out to us.

Don't worry, your earnings will not be lost. They will stay in your wallet until two criteria are met:

  1. Your PayPal account is connected to your JA wallet

  2. You have $25 or more in your JA wallet at the time payouts are processed

I am looking into this now and I will confirm whether your account is properly connected. If it's not connected then I'll help you make sure it is connected in time.

AbyKwon117's avatar

I go to the linked accounts section and it says that if Paypal and others that I link are connected, I only got nervous because it said "link before the new month" I thought the progress would be lost and I have just 26 accumulated, but knowing that they are not lost It calms me down, thank you very much for taking the time and answering my questions!

Boomer's avatar

Hi AbyKwon117, I've just learned that there is a small problem with the PayPal connection, but if you remove and reconnect it then it should be fine.

Can you try this and let me know if you still see the reminder to connect your account?

AbyKwon117's avatar

Hello again, yes I already did what you told me before and it tells me again to link it even though I already have it, just in case I did it again right now as you tell me but I still get the same thing about "don't forget to link it" .

Boomer's avatar

Thanks AbyKwon117, I'm sorry to hear that.

Would you mind sharing some details using our bug reporting form? I'll ask the tech team first thing in the morning.

AbyKwon117's avatar

Of course yes, thanks for the support and apologies for the inconvenience.

Boomer's avatar

No need to apologise, I'm happy to help 😊 I've let our tech team know about the bug report.

Rich's avatar

Hey AbyKwon117, it looks like you should have had your payout now, is that correct?

AbyKwon117's avatar

Yes, after the colleague above helped me, my account was linked and the payment arrived without any problem, thank you very much for the support and I apologize for the inconvenience 😊

Rich's avatar

No need to apologise! Glad everything is sorted 😃


So for some reason my IG account does not show as being connected on Just About but it shows as connected in my IG account. Any idea what might be causing this?

Edit: I submitted a bug report using the Typeform link.

Rich's avatar

Hey thebeardedsoul, the tech team is investigating an Instagram bug as we speak which may well be related - many thanks for flagging this and filing a bug report! I'll let you know as soon as there's an update 🫶

Luka Zaharin's avatar

Hi there,

I seem to be unable to connect my Bluesky-account. It is asking me for my user handle and service URL, but even though I am quite sure the handle is correct, I cannot find the right URL and get this message every time I try. Maybe someone knows that problem and cen help me.

Rich's avatar

Hey LukaZaharin - I found this a little tricky too. You need to make a couple of small changes from the details that you might be copy/pasting over from Bluesky to match the format prompted by the text boxes on Just About:

  • Remove the '@' symbol from your Bluesky handle

  • Change 'app' to 'social' in the service URL

See what I've changed in my handle and URL below:

Give this a try and make sure your app password is up to date, and let me know if you're still having problems. Cheers!

Rich's avatar

Fab, glad to hear it 🫶


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