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ohhh cant wait for the Tech Space! Exciting times ahead!

Damien Mason's avatar

Seconded. It's literally my life right now.

Dave's avatar

You could kind of bend the rules by saying you have a new monitor to play games on or there was an advert for games on Amazon prime lol. But yeah I've been waiting for it to expand to more than games. Looking forward to Thursday!

The new game community looks interesting, will have a look into it and see more of what it's about when it launches on here.

Boomer's avatar

This is what I had in mind when I asked about your approach to splitting your content! I didn't want to share anything too soon, so I just pulled the example out of thin air 😂

Boomer's avatar

Nightingale looks perfect for making crypto-zoological documentaries! 😁 I'd absolutely watch videos about the bizarre realms and beasts people encounter, on their journeys.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I will be straight into Just About Nightingale! I think it's going to be really interesting to see the community grow here at the same time as it develops and grows in game.

I guess now I need to try yet another game...

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hmm, not heard of this but, been watching your Twitter :P I will see how much it costs etc. But let's do this, might even do a let's play :)

Alex's avatar

I've been following Nightingale for a while and Im keen to play this! So cool how we have this as a connection!


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