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Dave's avatar

Members can now edit their own discussions, and your screen should no longer bounce when replying to a thread

Huge usability improvement this! No more facepalm moments 5 seconds after you click submit!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I'll miss the bounce, I've spent many a minute despearately trying to work out where I am and bring things under control!

Martin's avatar

Ever thought about doing something along the lines of a "fire side" chat and either recorded as video/audio or transcript and posting weekly/monthly.

I'd happy take part in random conversations about the industry. Although I am not part of the industry I have a outsider opinion from a corporate/developer perspective.

WASD as the first one...five? WASD Stage "Just About Talking..." (I'm on one of the seats)

Edit: Thinking about this it's a crossover from the WASD Talks post. Should be my second submission but... "Just About Talks WASD Live"?!?!

Boomer's avatar

That's an interesting idea, and I could see it being quite flexible. What other topics in this format would you be interested in, and who could we invite to contribute?

Martin's avatar

Topics; I'm happy to talk about almost anything Gaming/Game Development. On Gaming - it would depend on the game discussed. Could be anything for Game Development - UI/UX, Programming, Data, Design, Managing, Planning, etc.

Invite; If it was just on JA then it could be other members/staff and we could invite guest speakers. If it was at an event like WASD - you could ask almost anyone in the building from Exhibitors to Attendees, or other JA members (if they are attending, we already know a few who have some interesting ideas for talks).

There are always a lot of people around that would be willing to give a comment about something going on. Maybe that is another topic - what have people on the show floor been talking about most and what do they like/dislike?

I've always thought that something like WASD should have some kind of Radio, not only to add some atmosphere but to allow Indies to talk about there games live, provide info about the game, etc. The music played would be from the games. A lot of work to setup but would add something extra and unique?

Boomer's avatar

I love the idea of a radio station at events! We had something similar at events I've run before, but it wasn't live broadcast otherwise we'd need a license.

There's still the community podcast idea 😄

Martin's avatar

Completely forgot about licensing and that other post...

...I'm going to quote my posts over.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Great article as always. Keep them coming.


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