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Thomas's avatar

I wouldn't necessarily say hate, but I had to stop playing Minecraft. I think it's one of the best games ever, but it triggers such an intense hyperfocus in me that it kinda messes everything else in my life up. When I was playing it, which was over a decade ago now, I found that I was neglecting to make myself dinner and was staying up too late. I don't think I've ever played a game so addictive in my life

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I have to agree, when I'm on it for my videos, time does fly by, thankfully I have a wonderful wife who will make sure I eat and drink, so she brings things to me. But you are right, Minecraft can eat away the hours so fast.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Aion. I used to play since the Korean open beta up until it became F2P. I love the game, there's still some elements of the story I didn't get to experience. I went back to play again when they started the classic server.... and I got so disappointed. The free features are extremely limited, so I paid the "monthly fee" to be able to get somewhere... but left after a month. The community is nowhere near what is used to be, you can't find a party for a dungeon to progress in the story because everyone became elitist and they only take you if you are 120% sure what you are doing and know where to go on a speedrun, no place for first timers. So even though I still love the game's aesthetics and unique features, I hate what the game became and I won't touch it again.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Good answer mate and very heartfelt reason as well, thanks for responding!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I like yours as well, pretty much the reason why I don't play WoW. Used for a while when my mates dragged me into it as they didn't have a decent healer, and I enjoyed playing with them, but not with the general WoW community.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Yeh the "LFG" system has just gone downhill so much in recent years.

Paul's avatar

Dark souls (and general soulsborne)

I love watching playthroughs of Dark souls and others like it. The setting, characters everything about it is brilliant however I just cant play it.

No other game has made me so irrationally enraged. It makes me want to neatly fold my controller in half and post my tv through the window to the point I had to sell it so I would stop trying to play it which was guttering as it was a present from my wife.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I'm giving that comment a heart mate, that was brutally honest and I love it, yeh I have a few games I refuse to play because of similar feelings

Sturmer's avatar

You can play wow solo, almost any content. I've been playing like that nearly a decade. I've used hunter engineer, I'm really good at kiting and multi CC, so even 5man heroic dangeons were doable, or mythics with overgear. You can also complete old raids, so class is quite versatile.

Sturmer's avatar

I avoid platformers and games with overused QTE mechanics. I find timing and jumping not that pleasant. these games heavily relay on muscle memory rather than IQ.

Makster's avatar

Super Meat Boy is not for you

Sturmer's avatar

Absolutely! Even Super Mario Odyssey makes me cringe sometimes haha

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Ahaha fantastic choice of rage games.

Makster's avatar

Last game I got really frustrated with was probably Beyond Good & Evil. The last boss inverts your controller. Another game was Majora's Mask on 3DS. When you obtain the giant's mask that boss fight is near impossible.

So I guess action adventure games?

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I 100% hate inverted controllers, that is VERY rage-inducing, especially if it's forced

Horror and Cats's avatar

Literally all competitive online multiplayer games. I can get my butt kicked 40 times in a row by a Bloodborne boss and take in stride, but the moment someone human-controlled kills me something breaks in my brain lol.

Put it this way, I haven’t played a competitive game since the original COD Modern Warefare 2. Just for my own mental health.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I don't think you're alone there, sometimes, when you know you have done everything right but that person has just done it 1 second faster, can really break your brain as you say.


that for me is call of duty (not warzone) lol multiplayer is a blast and I love it but damn I hate it sometimes when I am trash haha

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I used to live and breathe COD but not Warzone, good god, not Warzone.

JimboSlicey's avatar

Honestly for me its fifa every time i play it i want to launch my controller at the tv but then the next day im like " yeah lets put fifa on" IM A FOOL 🤣

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

My 11-year-old tried this game, I like it, but he, omg, the rage, we had to take it away from him.

Kings Court's avatar

Getting over it !! I was made to play it the other night as part of our Birthday-Athon ! I cant stand it !!

Kings Court's avatar

I was supposed to do it to completion ! I got like 10 minutes in and then kept falling ! I have to try again or do a forfeit ! loool

Shovel's avatar

Right now for me it’s Fall Guys. I feel like it’s so much more difficult rn and I just want a chill game to play after work! I don’t want to get all riled up

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I 100% despise that game, I really do so I am right there with you!

Shovel's avatar

I know they’re currently working on like a chill version for people wanting to play casually so hopefully it’s not too crowded with try hards

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

That would be great, because at this point I played for a bit and like you, I was so done with it.


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