Just got a $0.97 organic reward from video games. Has the algo changed from the $0.50 that we've had through May?
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I was wondering about that too. I was thinking maybe there are different levels to it. Like a standard reward is $0.50 but if you got above a certain level of reactions/interactions it would go higher.
I don't remember how it was set with the changes but I have a vague recollection of something about there being tiers to it?
O was there? I don't remember. I've not really been on here much this month as spent most of it too ill to want to do anything. Only really got rid of it this week and all good now.
I know they're continually tinkering with it throughout the beta period. It could be tied to levels of engagement, the impact you've had on creating conversation/generating replies, or how many people in a given day are taking a portion of the daily pot. These are just guesses, though. Either way, I'm sure it's organic to the best of their ability.
Usually I've had waves of 0.50 but .97 is diffidently a new one. I believe they're testing the organic rewards based on category as well, so they may be experimenting as others have said. Quality and value of your posts will also effect the rewards too.
i stopped getting any hehe
I’m an analyst by nature and trade and the best I can figure is that it’s daily, but if you put something up 5 days ago that suddenly get reactions and crosses the threshold, you get Rewards.
I’ve received Rewards in Communities I haven’t interacted with for days.
Honestly, that’s kinda cool. It means that older threads can become relevant again.
No idea, I don't really get them, but yeh, they did say it was a test period in May so, maybe it has gone back to how it was before.
We do update it on a monthly basis, so either it's an experiment or an oversight :-) I'll find out...
I've just been served with a lawsuit from Just About for $0.97.
Over my dead body you get it back, Rupert!
Sony Refunded.
I thought it was just big government taking their 3% in tax..
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