it's 2007 and you're about to play the best game of the year…
which one do you choose?
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it's 2007 and you're about to play the best game of the year…
which one do you choose?
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Portal, please! Any excuse to replay Portal
Part of me wants to say Super Paper Mario, but that's still a second place when considering Bioshock is right there.
I have a theory that the best years for videogames typically end in 7 and 2007 is no exception.
Portal is fantastic but I personally prefer Portal 2. It's also tempting to pick Halo 3 or Bioshock which I played a tonne of back then
But I think my favourite game from 2007 is Skate. I absolutely adore that game, the vibe was so unique and it felt so refreshing after Tony Hawk's had become stagnant
Arguably the best year for gaming
The original FF7 Crisis Core on the PSP
For me its mass effect.
I absolutely fell in love with this franchise.
Super Mario Galaxy! Such a good game and I still own it now. That's a string lineup of contenders though Crysis, Mass Effect and Bioshock also get shout outs!
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