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Boomer's avatar

I was thinking more like we share a piece of media - a TV show, film, comic or book series, game - that's been on our backlog for too long.

We could start a discussion and see if anyone wants to play / watch / read the same thing, then come back after a little while to talk about it.

Free games from the various platforms would be a good place to start! 😊

Paul's avatar

So like a book club but for all types of media?

Boomer's avatar

Yeah that's the gist of it 🙂

It could be self-led or part of a group.

  • Self-led: People start a discussion with the bit they're starting/ending with (e.g. about to watch episode X or played up to level Y). Other members can then join the conversation, share tips and tricks, screenshots, how they felt about it etc.

  • Group-led: Create a poll to vote on the media you want to consume. Watch/play it up to a certain point then come back to the poll to chat about it.

The good thing about this is anyone can start this up in any community. All you needs is a piece of media and some members that want to talk about it.

I'll probably end up doing a few. My film and gaming backlogs are so long! 😆 Probably best to check it against how long to beat!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Sounds like a great idea Boomer. Personally I'd be more inclined to follow and take part in a Group-led media club, particularly focused around books and movies.

I find the scope for games too big/long to be able to keep a group moving at a similar pace so individuals, including me, would 'fall behind' and feel they couldn't participate in the discussion as it was happening. That being said, I'd of course be keen to give one or two a go!

Boomer's avatar

That's fair! I think a group-led one would be fun 🙂 Film would be a good one to start with as they're done in a single sitting and take the same amount of time for everyone!

I think the biggest challenge would be agreeing a genre to choose from 😆

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I think we'd be best placed to just let Horror and Cats choose!

Boomer's avatar

Yeah but is that a good idea?

...or is it possibly a great idea!

What do you think Horror and Cats. Would you be up for a film club?

I've found some sources of games, radio plays (as podcasts), and I'm on the hunt for some books and comics to give us some flexibility.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve used Discord and embedded a timer with people to all hit play at the same time when streaming something we’ve all rented/have on various streaming sites, then we text chat as we watch, so it’s totally doable. I’m literally born to curate and host horror recommendations lol

FUN INC's avatar

like a <watch / listen / read> party .... sounds like an interesting idea - i will keep an eye on this one Boomer !

Boomer's avatar

Cool, I'll tag you when we run the first one 😊 Anyone can set them up (so long as accessing the media is legal and easy!), so I'm interested to hear what other media formats this could apply to.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I used to run an anime club at uni every week, members would bring in their favourite series and we watched them together. And sadly since moving to the UK I had so many other things to focus on, I'm not in a loop with new anime even though some of my favourite franchises have new series. Would be great to catch up on them.

Boomer's avatar

That sounds fun! What shows would you recommend?

If we can find an easy and legal way to access them then they could fit Film & TV and Books & Comics 😊

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I'ld have to have a look where to get it from as I was used to cough downloading cough stuff, but I love Fate/Stay Night and would be great to catch up on all the new series I haven't seen.

mar1gold 's avatar

a good free resource for this would be this list on letterboxd

somebody has put together all the good films that are free on (saves some1 else doing it yay!) so that way anybody could access films from this list regardless of what streaming services they have access to :)

Boomer's avatar

Excellent! I think I've only seen three of those films 😂 There are some classics on that list and it'd be great to check them out 😁 Thanks for sharing!


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