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Alex Sinclair's avatar

Interesting stuff, Lanah!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

aww thank you! It always puts a smile on my face to see my ramblings appear as a curated article. Maybe there is hope for me yet to one day make it to the FFXIV Media Tour 😅


The Duel... one of the few things in Delubrum that i cant explain haha x)

The Cleric Stance in Stormblood had btw the Issue that Bosses MOSTLY used their whole AoE Kit or Tankbuster Kit in the first 5-10 Seconds in Fight and mostly Followed every Minute.

So when both Healers activated the Stance the Tank or the Group was mostly doomed :')...
(I Speak out of Experience i was the Dead Tank Q_Q)

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I was on break during Stormblood so missed out on that, but even back in ARR there were moments of "sorry I was in cleric stance". That's why Scholar was so powerful because of the fairy. Larry has Stormblood alliance raid moments in his healer video, I blame all my recklessness as Scholar (and Summoner) on him.

I need to do a new Duel on healer because I don't have good footage for guide. Next German run when? XD


Haha :D

Lets see when we do again a FFA-Run =)

JHenckes's avatar

What a good subject! Well done


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