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Horror and Cats's avatar

My motto for being out in public is "behave like someone is recording you" because you never know who has their cellphone out/what angles security cameras have on you.

An extension of that is how I act online which is act like someone has AI monitoring your messages for things which might get you referred to the FBI lol.

So essentially I take it as given that they likely have SOME level of monitoring in there just because criminals and terrorists are always looking for new platforms to communicate on without sufficient monitoring.

For instance, Telegram is the alt right domestic terrorist app of choice for executing things like the Jan 6th insurrection.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

it's a common mistake to think that this so famous privacy is a synonymous of be able to commit crimes without be discovered. This discussion about privacy and freedom start always after some penalty or arrest happen because of a crime, and always there is a bunch of suspicious people saying that use the law to get access to the proofs of a crime should be ilegal.

And always the big companies always want to be above the law and they should be arrested because of this atitude. The laws of the countries exist for a really good reason.

So I don't care about the total privacy, to say the truth I'm against it, but to have access to personal content should be only possible by legal methods like already happen in most of the countries and this content is only accessible to a few people that make part of a investigation team and won't be accessible to the public.

Makster's avatar

I don't think I've ever considered one platform over another based on the T&C and privacy. However most platforms allow you to toggle the amount of privacy you would like which helps tailor it to the user.

I think it is naive to think that your messages on a platform are anonymised to the point that the company is unable to view them. Even chat clients will store the chat logs and even your phone's internal tracking informs police of your location if you're suspected of a crime.

But I think privacy is strongly linked to security. Whenever there is a breach or a leak and millions of messages and data is spread online: the more cautious users are quick to wag the finger of I told you so i.e. you shouldn't put anything online that you don't want spread, whereas the responsibility should really be on the failure of security of your data.


Just out of curiousity... What's a good book about community and social network platforms?

I've read a few about Twitter, MySpace, Reddit, Facebook, and Instagram... But I haven't been able to find any decent books on Tumblr.

Boomer's avatar

Here's an open access book about Tumblr.

This one isn't free but it looks interesting (I haven't read this one yet but I've read academic articles by Abidin).


Thank you... just wishlisted the book on Amazon.

Limal's avatar

I do not use social platforms for crimes, so... i do not have any issues if someone reading my emails, chats or sees browsing history.

If its helping to arest real criminals, why not?

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


Because now inclusive telegram will be under the view of the people that are allergic to freedom

We have less and less choices

SIRCAM's avatar

From Microsoft with Windows to Google with their search engine they literally can see us and accurately determine what we like or not, i've took my precautions with both, especially with Google those guys are really creepy.

To avoid Microsoft i moved to Linux, for Google search engine there's a lot of alternatives the big problem with Google is with Youtube and their censorship against our comments i know there are more alternatives platforms, but havent found yet a good one to replace Youtube.

In the case of Telegram or WhatsApp never had privacy issues compared with these two giants.

Sturmer's avatar

I don’t believe in privacy on the internet. My stance is similar to Horror and Cats - assume everyone is watching, so avoid doing anything silly that you might regret later.

I have the knowledge and tools (including hardware) how to create an encrypted environment, but like Limal said, I do not have a use-case where I need to apply it. If someone wants to read my Telegram - go for it, you will find a lot of cat stickers hahaha


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