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CMDR Henckes's avatar

Strange , I didn't received any to verify but you already tried to see if the your notifications settings didn't changed with the lasts updates here on Just About?

Edit: I just received one right now and the same problem, and I had verified my settings, everything normal. Seems like a bug

mypets's avatar

This is happening to me too and to tell you the truth, I don't like it very much haha

I hope it goes back to the way it was before

Boomer's avatar

Hey yan57436 thanks for letting us know. I'll check with the team and find out more information.

Dydo's avatar

The same is happening here, I have had submit a bug report and an email about it and the fact that the bug report website isn't letting me add screenshots in the reports

Boomer's avatar

Thanks Dydo, I've found the issue with the bug report form and it's being updated. Thanks for pointing it out.

JHenckes's avatar

Probably the new form of reward has disfigured the notifications, now they appear as if they were organic rewards. Waiting for the fix.

Sturmer's avatar

Same, at this moment I am completely lost of whats going on, bounty closing themself, some weird transactions of unknown origin. I think we all need a take a deep breath and take a break while JAteam sorting things up.

Boomer's avatar

yan57436 CMDR Henckes mypets Dydo JHenckes Sturmer

Thanks everyone for sharing details with us.

I've reported this to the tech team and they're looking into it. We appreciate your patience while we figure this out.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar

Normally l don’t know but some of them l use a little elementary logic and more or less l catch from wich one was

but normally l never know exactly


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