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Paul's avatar

Probably the 360.

Along with a huge amount of AAA and AA games in its library, its also bakwards compatable so you have the original consoles games too. Additionally, its in this generation where games started standardising controls so it wont feel akward going back to it.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Probably PS2. That was a smorgasbord of third party awesomeness. Also, backward compatible with PSX… unless that’s cheating. Even if it is, still PS2 lol

Hunter's avatar

Ofcrs the old good ps1, with its memory cards :D

Lanah Tyra's avatar

PS2. So many awesome games on that one.

Sturmer's avatar

Nintendo Switch - compact, can play with up to 8 friends, has decent sports apps for health, party games, AAAs and indies, works 100% offline, handheld and docking modes.

Thomas's avatar

Been sitting on this question all morning. My gut impulse was the Switch, then the more I thought about it, the more I thought that Xbox Series X has multiple generations of backwards compatibility so thought that would maybe be a better pick. But then I went back to the Switch because I think it's probably the best console I've ever owned.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I think I would choose the 360, there was one of the best games and performance of its generation and it had Kinect, most of the people didn't care so much about it, but I had so much fun with my brother playing with it!

AndyRice's avatar

Can Steam Deck be recongnized as a console? If so then my choice would be that.

ScreamingRaven's avatar

Playstation 2. Honestly it have the best Games ever.

0ffworld's avatar

Tough question. These days, I'm a PC gamer but my first console was PS 1, so I have an immense amount of nostalgia for it. The early racing games on it, the boot up sound...

The biggest technological jump was from the PS1 to the PS2 but I never owned one. I raised my sister properly, so she got the PS2, Vita, PS4, and PS5. 😃

I did buy an Xbox 360 late into its life cycle to play Forza and that controller was the non-plus-ultra for me for a long time. These days, the Xbox One controller is my go-to for PC games that aren't FPS.

I'd probably go with the PS1. I can live off the nostalgia until the day I die. 🎮

SIRCAM's avatar

I had that green Xbox, without doubts would go for Xbox with Halo: Combat Evolved included. 😎

JHenckes's avatar

X360. The video game has a very strong nostalgia factor for me, and several of my favorite franchises I discovered on that console.


Wow lots of love for some amazing consoles here but with 3 seeming to be the popular picks, the Xbox 360, PS2 and Switch!

Thats a damn fine selection there people! I am struggling to answer I think I may go for 360 too or N64 or PS1!

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar


I supposed that this console came with the Whole game Catalog l choose the Súper Nintendo (Snes) because l’m a old men 53 years old and because l love the simplicity

Just 2D , mostly game jump , run , hit

No upgrade , no internet connection, no first day patch …. No LOAD

Definitely a Súper Nintendo


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