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Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think it's an interesting one. There are many FFXIV creators who constantly voice concerns or criticise certain things in the game, but they do it in a polite and constructive manner. While there are other people who constantly just hate on the game and use foul language for no reason. I never saw the former ones being punished, on the contrary, their advise where actually taken on board and acted upon in many occasions.

I'm not sure what is Riot's stance on mods and 3rd party tools, but that's another constant topic among FFXIV creators. I've seen a lot of good creators with good intentions who were excluded from creators events for showing mods in their content, while others who don't show them but openly talk about them and it's obvious they are using them get invited.

I think a creator should be allowed to voice critique or concern about a game or brand, but should do so in a respectful manner. You can't exactly throw insults at someone and then expect them to sponsor your content...

Horror and Cats's avatar

If I made something, had the power to ban someone, and they used what I made as a backdrop for spewing hate/violence, I’d ban them with a grin.

But, it would have to be justifiable as actually dangerous stuff. Depends on how strict of a ToS is going along with this.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

That is a little strange for me. Imagine you making a stream about the game, do everything right in a live stream for exemple, but you deal your specific public in a harsh way, and there are the people that are in reality harsh but there is steamers that has characters that are harsh and it is kind of a joke specially for their community. And because of that they get penalised in the game is a extremely unfair for me.

SIRCAM's avatar

Hmm, interesting way to protect themselves from backslash or any negative perspective from content creators 🤔

Horror and Cats's avatar

That’s what I was thinking. In the article, it SEEMS like they mean to be strict on truly bad people using their product as a backdrop for ugliness. But depending on the actual ToS, they could totally go after people they simple don’t like/who say things about their game they don’t like.

mastercesspit's avatar


Fdev started perma banning criticism on their forums, it was a joke, and their stocks went down dramatically,

1:the universal declaration of human rights guarantees expression of opinions and to publish their opinion

2: if you paid for a game, you can publish any opinion or content you create within the bounds of the law,

3: some yuppy pencil pusher doesn't have the right to censor or penalise you for your opinion or content within the law

4: the common law aspects to this are fascinating under international law pertaining to human rites.

5: self appointed industry groups are not courts of law, just a bunch of losers trying to validate themselves and feel powerful, classic textbook narcisism.

have fun 07

mastercesspit's avatar

never purchased a riot game to my knowledge, but I keep an eye on the companies that produce the games I purchase, just this display of narcissism has led me to permaban riot games, perhaps the creators' community should consider a boycott of this company, this woke cancel culture is abhorrent, and should be shunned, go woke, go broke.

have fun

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

After my own "interference" from a gaming company against me, I do not agree with this at all, if you do not do anything on their servers/forums then by LAW they have no right to take action against you, it's actually stated as such in UK law.

It actually goes against your freedom of expression and speech, what they can do, is nothing. If a player is banned from saying something on the stream they don't agree with, to take action against that player actually opens them up to being sued. so this type of "control" or "moderation" as it's being called, is in actual fact against UK law.

mastercesspit's avatar

no TOS or contract is valid or legal if it negates your basic civil or human rites pertaining to freedom of speech or opinion, within the law. that is the law in every country that is co-signatory to the universal declaration of human rites, by signing this declaration, it becomes an "instrument of law" under which all laws of that country must conform. Australia has recently passed laws to make coercive persuasion a criminal offence, i look forward to following the Pandora's box of legal ramifications this opens against companies like this.

mastercesspit's avatar


Article 19

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Article 30

Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set forth herein.

Have fun 07

Sturmer's avatar

When I received this a few days ago from my agent, I considered bringing it to JA for discussion but ultimately decided against it. =)

That said, it’s a classic case of "In the name of something, I have the right to do something," which, as history has shown us, rarely ends well. Their authority to moderate and control things within their own ecosystem has always been somewhat questionable.

Now, with their expansion into the broader web (and even the real world—imagine if I’m cosplaying and they somehow connect it to my user ID...), the implications are unsettling.

Many here have brought up human rights, and that’s valid. But let’s be honest—how many of us have the financial resources to take Riot to court? A lawsuit could drag on for years, just to what—unlock your character? This is how corporations capitalize: even if you’re in the right, most individuals simply don’t have the means to prove it.

mastercesspit's avatar

if enough people publicly make representation to the UN human rights commission, their hand will be forced, content creators underestimate the power of their media, and the influence over their followers.

have fun 07

Sturmer's avatar

There is an absurdly long list of other human rights issues, more severe. I'd let that organization focus on them rather than on whimsical videogame characters.

mastercesspit's avatar

i think the gradual erosion of our basic rites and freedoms by those described in article 30 is a far greater threat than most people are aware, otherwise we are just slaves trying to free slaves, with the cannons of so called "law" pointed at all our heads.

have fun 07


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