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Vivisector's avatar

We have some food traditions like Panettone or Pandors. They're a classic of confectionery traditions in Italy

Horror and Cats's avatar

My family all watches Die Hard in an online watch part on Christmas Eve and for NYE we watch Entrapment the same way.

If you'd like to argue that Die Hard isn't a Christmas movie, I suggest you read the replies on this post first...

MQC's avatar

Curiously, my wife and I have a very personal and particular tradition, and it is because we celebrate our anniversary on 23 December, the day before Christmas Eve, so we have the habit of making a cake together on the 23rd, which we then eat with the members of our family on Christmas Eve morning.

JHenckes's avatar

In my house we like to decorate the Christmas tree and make Christmas food! We also exchange presents and say prayers!


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