It’s all fine & works well in the sponsored game communities as the bounties are so specific & you need to be a fan of the game to do them, but the generic bounties in the spaces really have a problem. That film review one, dune 2 for example where people aren’t even realising their entry is so similar to other entries that have used the same method.
The mods do well in spotting them, but they must be getting tired of the effort of having to review all these useless entries & mark them ineligible.
I’m sorry to say & hate to be negative about the site, but a lot (not all) of the bounty entries in the spaces (not the game communities) are just not worth reading through right now as a consumer of the content with how many suspect entries there are (& to be clear they don’t win) that aren’t real human opinions.
Is there something that can be done with account quality ratings or not displayed downvotes on posts or something? Where if your account or post has a poor content score then your posts are auto hidden & have to be clicked to be viewed? In thinking along the lines of how downvoted comments on Eurogamer used to work.
I think something needs to be done/solved with it in the longer term as it’s only going to get worse.
I do like ai tools & some ai content when it’s labelled as such & to assist a bit. I use them myself a lot outside of this site.
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