I'm not defending or arguing, just trying to understand people's reactions. Here is a small sample of content, related to Eve Online. Please note, the first text is not a 'role-play'. My friend just expresses his ideas like that :D
Version 1
Aight so like listen up, ya wanna make isksies in this game, ya gotta do some grindin, like real heavy liftin ya know. Dunno which way’s best but I kinda just run around, buy low, sell high, all that Wall Street suit-and-tie junk. So yeah, you dock, ya check the market, buy wut ya can. Oh and like, ya gotta check other stations too or you’re gonna get scammed lmao, super important. Anywho, load up, haul yer junk over, sell it off, and boom, isk. Subtract wut ya spent and there’s yer cut. Simple, innit?
Version 2
My favorite method to gain ISKs in Eve Online is to trade goods between stations.
Step 1: Dock at a station, scan the market for low-priced items, and mark them.
Step 2: Compare prices at nearby stations to find profitable trade routes
Step 3: Buy as much as you can, do not risk more than you can afford to lose.
Step 4: Haul the goods to the next station and sell them at a profit
Final Step: Deduct costs, calculate your earnings, and repeat
Both deliver the same information, but one is structured, precise, and easy to follow, while the other is a wall of text with poor readability. Also, 2nd text is keyword-rich, meaning it will serve well in the web index too.
So, what matters more for JA - proving a human wrote it or ensuring content is actually useful?