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TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

In the language settings there is the option to switch the language to Pirate speak for those who want to be more pirate which changes the names of items, mobs etc

Trizrizzle's avatar

I totally forgot thiis feature existed! Thankyou for the reminder


Minecraft was originally named 'Cave Game'

Let's be honest, it's not as catchy or memorable as Minecraft! I feel it probably wouldn't have quite the same influence it does today if it had stuck to its original name!

Limal's avatar

My entry is rather sad than favorite,its a legend abot Toast the Rabbit. This easter egg was added as a memorial to a player's missing pet rabbit and based on reddit topic.

How to make it: name a rabbit "Toast" using an animal name tag, it will change its texture to a unique black-and-white pattern.

Here is a short video explaining the history of it (the videoo is not mine)

Sturmer's avatar

Title Screen World

The seed used to generate the world displayed on the original Minecraft title screen (the "panorama") was discovered by fans in 2020. The seed is 2151901553968352745 for Java Edition.

I highly recommend checking out this article which explains in detail how the seed was found.

It's incredible to see how a seemingly simple title screen image can lead to such an engaging and communal detective project.


My Favorite one is the Wither's Armor texture was based on creeper's charged armor. In the Wither textures, there is a copy of the main head under the smaller one. The light blue color is visible without removing transparency.

Foolish_Imp's avatar

My favorite easter egg, which is not really an easter egg, is Herobrine. My little cousin was obsessed with summoning Herobrine when he was like 4 or 5. My brother and I didn't know at the time that Herobrine wasn't really a thing, so we would try to summon him for our little cousin because that's all he wanted to see when he came over and played with us. Eventually, we found out that Herobrine was not real so we started pretending that he was and that we actually summoned him. Our little cousin would freak out, despite the fact that that was what he wanted, and we would have a good laugh. Whenever I think about that now, I can't help but chuckle about the dumb little things we did in Minecraft, especially since that wasn't the only time we used Minecraft lore to scare our cousin.

Gaypengwing 🔜 Ren Faire Uk's avatar

I’m a big fan of Halloween, so I love that mobs can have Jack o lantern heads around Halloween, I believe it’s from the 30th until 1st, it’s so fun!

Sinclair's avatar

jeb_ is still my fav one
its just cute when i saw a RGB sheep on my Field XD

Trizrizzle's avatar

The first thing to spring to mind is Evokers "wolololololo" priest chant from Age of Empires II changing sheep colours between red and blue. It always makes me want to play AoE2 again (and is why the remastered one never gets uninstalled).

The second, i think is just speculation. Since the Nether Update and the introduction of warped wood. When an enderman makes their non-agro noises it now sounds like "warped wood" not "whoop whoop" or whatever sound they're supposed to make 🤣

Nine's avatar

my favorite fact about minecraft is


for the first time i know that, that's really amazing. and the water bucket can be use to it XD
sometime i can do that to but that's rare im need more pratice maybe.

Fras_Shoyo's avatar


I know that zombies or skeletons will be burned by sunlight, but why when they are in cobwebs they don't burn and this easter egg surprised me from minecraft.

avrona's avatar

It's a pretty well-known one, but as a fan of Age of Empires I love that the Evoker and turn blue sheep red like priests in AoE.

AirGaram's avatar

There are a few features for me, one is the upside-down mobs easter egg, where if you name a mob Dinnerbone or Grumm it will turn upside down. another is a rare one though i've seen it on a community post somewhere, the splash text at the title screen would say "Also try Terraria" a good nod to the game, while Terraria's splash text would also rarely say "Also try Minecraft".

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

The best one IMO is and was removed as far as I know. It's called "jeb_ the Sheep" and if you are a OG Minecraft player like myself, then you know this

Essentially naming a captured sheep either using a name tag or renamed "spawn egg" will cause that sheep to flicker into different colours non-stop, this being said, if you use shears on this mob, you DO NOT get coloured wool, you get wool which is the original colour of the sheep.

This is the best "Easter Egg" if you like. But yeh it's something that most OG players know about as he made it a "Funny" on Twitter when he was still running and owning Minecraft.

Paul's avatar

Creepers were a bug that turned pigs in to deformed monsters!

In 2009 the Notch accidently coded the pig mob dimensions in reverse so the length was the hight and hight was the length, creating a tall pink monstrosity.

Rather then delete the mistake he gave them aggressive ai and changed their texture and the infamous mob was born.

Trizrizzle's avatar

After reading all of these bounty submissions, its sparked an idea. I think I want to build a musum for as many of these easter eggs as I can replicate. I think it would be a fun building to have at spawn on our server.


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