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Sturmer's avatar



The Workbenchling looks almost identical to a standard crafting table, but if you look closely, you'll notice four small wooden legs hidden beneath its base, which it uses to scuttle around. When stationary, these legs retract, giving it the perfect disguise. Occasionally, its "face" (made up of a subtle arrangement of knots and grain on the surface) may blink, adding a tiny element of surprise for observant players.

Spawning Behaviour

Workbenchlings only spawn in areas where humans are present, such as villages, camps, or anywhere players have established a dwelling. They are drawn to human activity, as if they enjoy being part of the crafting process—even if they're a bit shy about it.

Movement and Behaviour

The Workbenchling only moves when no players are looking directly at it. When it senses a player's gaze, it immediately freezes, blending perfectly into its surroundings. This creates a lot of opportunities for fun interactions, as players might swear that their crafting table wasn’t where they left it.

If a player tries to use the Workbenchling thinking it’s a regular crafting table, it will let out a comically high-pitched scream and dash away at surprising speed. It makes a beeline for the nearest forest or cluster of trees, its little legs flailing, leaving players both startled and amused.

After running away, the Workbenchling will slowly make its way back to the village or player camp once it feels safe again. It likes being part of the action but doesn’t want to be caught.


The Workbenchling is perfect for pranks, especially in multiplayer. Players can trick their friends by placing real crafting tables alongside a Workbenchling, leading to hilarious confusion as one of them suddenly bolts when interacted with. This can create an "inception" effect where players are left questioning which crafting tables are real.

Occasionally, if left alone for long enough, the Workbenchling might perform minor actions like slowly rotating in place or emitting a faint creaking sound, almost like it's "stretching." This adds a layer of eerie charm to its disguise.


When moving, the Workbenchling makes creaky, wooden sounds, similar to the sound of an old rocking chair. When hit or startled, it makes a louder, more exaggerated wood-squeaking noise.

Its scream when a player tries to use it is cartoonish, somewhere between a squeaky door and a frightened animal. This sound is distinctive and designed to be funny rather than scary.


The Workbenchling has 20 HP, making it fairly durable.

When defeated, it drops wooden planks (2-4) and occasionally a single crafting table. This makes players think twice before attacking it, as it's more useful alive for the entertainment value.

Additional Ideas

Very rarely, if a Workbenchling is comfortable enough around a player (perhaps if it has been left undisturbed for a long time), it might "help" by dropping a random low-tier crafting ingredient, like a stick or a piece of flint. This would make players consider letting it stay around instead of scaring it off.

If multiple Workbenchlings are present, they may occasionally "play" with each other when no players are watching, engaging in a slow, awkward game of tag. This could add more depth to their behavior and make them feel like part of a hidden world that players don’t always see.

The Workbenchling is all about adding a touch of whimsy and unpredictability to the game world. Its harmless yet mischievous nature makes it a memorable encounter, and its prank potential is perfect for spicing up multiplayer sessions.

Dydo's avatar

Minecraft trees usually do not have nothing on them besides some honey combs. Some koalas would make our forests much more funny, specially at night, when they wake up and live their lifes, while sleeping on tree tops during the day.

Don't wanna think of one of these cuties being killed, so, they could drop poisoned meat to help prevent the species' extinction... Yes, they’re endangered, and this is a recent development: Koala numbers have halved in the past 20 years, and from 2018 to 2021 - just 3 years - Australia lost 30% of its koalas. This could be highlighted through 'environmental protection policies' within Minecraft, not only for koalas but for other animals too - even if only in unique events. Games can also be tools for raising awareness!


East-coast koalas newly listed as endangered - WWF

The Koala – Endangered or Not? - Australian Koala Foundation

CMDR Henckes's avatar


I decide to imagine how a Kappa, a mystical creature from Japan. In the game they would live in swaps and along with it there will be cucumbers in the game since it is the favourite Kappa meal. Once you give hit it they will bring special itens from the swamp. A mechanic close to the Piglin when receive gold. They would be rare in the same way that the legends so take a close look while crossing the swamps!

But take care if you try to kill it, if you try to hit it, it will disappear and will left a course at you that you weak you and reduce your vision, make you vulnerable to any other mob attack!

JHenckes's avatar

It's really cool, congratulations!

Samuel's avatar

This one is going to look goofy, but here's what a 10 minute stunt from learning Blockbench at 2am looks like

I present to you.... erm... I'm going to be honest, I hardly know myself. But I really wanted to input something I created and original.

Anyways, here's Barry the elder cave worm!

These little elder cave worms develop their homes inside little dugouts inside of caves (Surprise!) eating away slowly at the surrounding minerals and ores! They'll chew through anything, given enough time, before excreting the block it just ate in the form of a refined powder, able to be smelted for double the amount of ores! However, they're easily spooked and hate the light. If scared, they'll eat up as much of the ore as possible before hastily squiggling away, leaving a trail of bio luminescent slime in their wake.

The great part of these little... worms is that you're also able to tame them! When built a home (Made of a 3x3 block of granite, andesite and cobblestone) they'll treat it as a homebase for dropping off any materials it finds, whilst giving the worm an ore (Gold, emerald etc.) causes it to give chase to the ore relentlessly until it finds the ore and brings back that refined excreted goodness.

One of the main enemies to these little elder cave worms however, are bats! Bats love to play with their food, and will pick up the worm before dropping it repeatedly to slowly deal fall damage until the worm's 8 hearts are gone and eating the worm whole! (Leaving you to lose any ores that the worm has processed)

Finally, to help with ordering out your wormies, each worm has little stripes to indicate what ore it's processing and hunting down - In the example given, this worm is hunting down gold ore. You can also monitor its eating process by the intensity of the colors of stripes on its side - This one is almost finished as you can see from the color intensifying towards the butt whilst the color towards the front of the stomach is fading.

TheHermit's avatar


Cybernetic drones that, piece by piece, pick apart the world, and reassemble the blocks into spherical structures.

Upon death, Collectors would drop iron ingots, redstone, and a beacon.

Limal's avatar

Not sure why the button disappeared. There were a few rewards left when I was checking the bounty. Maybe it's a bug?

Emu  (Mountable)

The Emu  is a large, bird-like creature similar in size to a horse but with the unmistakable features of an emu. It has long, powerful legs built for speed, Its small head bobs inquisitively, and it has bright, curious eyes (derpy).

Emus can be found in savannas, plains, and forests, where they roam freely in small groups. They are peaceful creatures but are naturally cautious, often watching players from a distance before deciding whether to approach or flee.

To tame one you need any type of fruit, such as apples, berries, or melons. Feeding an emu enough fruit will earn its trust, indicated by heart particles. Once tamed, players can equip a saddle and ride it.

Emu Mount moves at a moderate speed, slightly faster than a horse when sprinting, making it a great option for covering long distances. Emus are also capable of short bursts of high speed (double speed for 5 seconds with 30 seconds cool down). Players have full control over their direction, unlike the Strider, giving them a unique two-legged mount option.

While Emus cannot jump as high as a horse, they can leap small obstacles and have a unique gliding jump, where they spread their wings slightly to gain a bit of extra distance when moving downhill.

Tamed Emus will occasionally lay eggs, which players can collect. These eggs can be used for breeding more Emus or simply as a resource, similar to chicken eggs (but bigger).

Emus will occasionally shed feathers as they roam, providing players with a passive way to collect feathers without needing to harm the animal.

If killed, an Emu will drop feathers (2-5) and raw bird meat. However, taming and riding them is far more beneficial than using them for resources.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

You tried to submit to the bounty after it reached the deadline, unfortunately it was impossible to participate after this

Limal's avatar

I do not understand that evergreen system.

CMDR Henckes's avatar

The post announcing the evergreen for me wasn't that clear, not every reward(bounty) will be an evergreen, but to help you can always look the deadline in the end the reward posts like in the print bellow

The evergreen rewards doesn't have podium places and now in the rewards page they are showing the remaining time (at least in some of them) and the rewards page still sorting all the rewards in chronological order, so the first ones are the ones close to the deadline, remember this!

Paul's avatar

Loot Gnomes!

If you build near their burrow, they sneak in when you are away and steal some of your loot!

If you interrupt them they will drop anything they are holding and run away.

Anything they have ...acquired...can be retrieved from in side their burrow. They wont attack, however they will look on displeased and grunt.

If you decide to attack a Loot Gnome, they will drop an odd brown nugget that seems to have no use.

Original art & artist can be found here:

CMDR Henckes's avatar

I didn't understand, you posted a link redirecting to the artist? So this isn't your design?

Paul's avatar

The image isnt, but the mob idea is.

I posted a link to the original artist to credit them and to be clear that it is not my image. The JA team can judge if it is worth the bounty but the rules do not state it has to be an image of your own design.

AbyKwon117's avatar

I would vote for an "Lechuza","Owl","Tyyo alba" (I don't know how to write it in English very well) It would live in forest, field, swamp, prairie or desert biomes, except in snow areas. It could be fed with rabbits and optionally with fish, frogs, etc. They eat their prey whole and may leave the bones. Its form of domestication could be with raw meat. And something that it could do once domesticated is attack ghosts at night for being territorial birds or for dropping feathers. They can also have their wooden perch for birds, to rest inside the house and look around or fall asleep and the parrots could also use the perch! The owl should be silent when flying and hunting, but without leaving aside its iconic chirp! At loud sounds (like music) you might move your head trying to catch where the sound is coming from. It is now optional to put a whistle on it to call it when it is already domesticated and is flying so that it comes in front of you or perches on your shoulder (like parrots). I hope you like the idea!.

Yo votaria por una "Lechuza" "Tyyo alba" (no se muy bien como se escriba en ingles)
Viviria en biomas de bosque, campo, un pantano, una pradera o un desierto, Excepto en zona de nieve. Se podria alimentar de conejos y opcional de peces, ranas etc. Se comen sus presas enteras y pueden dejar los huesos. Su forma de domesticación podria ser con carne cruda. Y algo que podria hacer ya domesticado es atacar a los fantasmas por la noche por ser unas aves territoriales o que te suelten plumas. Tambien pueden tener su percha de madera para aves, para descansar dentro de casa y este observando al rededor o dormirse y también la percha podrian usarla los loros! La lechuza deberia ser silenciosa al volar y cazar, pero sin dejar a lado su chirrido iconico! A los sonidos fuertes (como la musica) podria mover la cabeza intentando captar de donde viene el sonido. Ya opcional ponerle un silbato para llamarlo cuando ya este domesticado y este volando que venga frente a ti o se pose en tu hombro (como los loros). Espero les agrade la idea!.


Geckos. I have 2 geeckos and I would certainly love to see them in Minecraft. Imagine walking through several different biomes and encountering several geeckos of different colors and sizes. Manage to domesticate them all and have a collection at home. If you decide to attack the geeko he will simply run away.

JHenckes's avatar


I'm a big fan of various exotic birds, so it's a no-brainer that I'd love to see a pelican in Minecraft hahaha. This bird is very funny and somewhat scary, I think it would add even more detail and content to the game!

I think that in the game he would behave like he does in real life, it would be totally possible! In other words, most of the time he'd be walking around rivers looking for fish, and at certain times we could see him flying into the river and catching a fish (there could even be an animation of him eating it).

Because of this, I think his loot could be based on bird meat, feathers and fish as well (the last one would be a great detail for me, since the fish often stays in his jowls before being swallowed!)

yan57436's avatar

I thought we'd add raccoons to Minecraft, but why raccoons? Do I need to say anything after showing you this?

Seriously though, I really like the idea of a stealthy mob that inhabits forest and taiga biomes and steals things (food) from your chest at night, as well as following you from behind as long as you have food in your inventory and running away when you turn around and notice it.

Drops and Utility

When defeated, it drops common items such as skin and the occasional sweet berry (only if you've eaten one before).

You won't be able to tame him but you will create a “friendly” relationship in which he will return to your shelter from time to time and, if you feed him, he will give you things in exchange for food (Don't ask where he will bring these items from, spoiler: some village has been robbed).

I tried everything, but I didn't learn how to use the modeler, so I took this ready-made model and the main thing is that it's free to use, so I credit its creator here:

"raccon" ( by baba.pig is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (


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