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EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

I'm going to say yes, I was born in 1985 (don't you dare) and when I was aware of music was around the ages of 13-14 - My first real love was Dj Sakin - Braveheart protect your mind

After this, I was into Limp Bizcuit etc. IMO music nowadays is less about talent and more about the electrical addition side of things. In terms of music and concerts such as Creamfields etc, music imo has gone, so far downhill and woke and just meh, I tend to more often than not, listen to 90's music than I do anything else.

older music was more "theme" type music having a real "feel" to it, I have a lot of trouble connecting with music made nowadays. IMo the only real DJ I can connect with in terms of music is Alan Walker, feeling, great videos etc.


Not neccesarily better but there was previously more opportunity to be more creative i would say.

So we are talking about late 90's and early 2000's.

What i mean is that modern life has negatively affected our ability to create in the following ways. These points are not true for everyone and maybe are a bit general but i would say they definately have an impact.

  • Cost of living is higher , housing , food , general life . the ratio of your wage to what you get is weaker meaning people have to work more.

  • Social media is killing attention spans. you can see this that modern bands have to follow trends of short form content to keep people interested.

  • Social media consumes a lot of peoples time

there are benefits such as sharing projects through digital means and digital production that helps.

Anyway to answer the question. no music evolves and paves the way for new thought. you do have to wade through a lot poop music to find it. As i would say standards of pop music has gone way down. like social media it has become catchy and annoying.

theres a lot of great rock, metal, math rock, shoegaze being produced and in each of these areas you can still see the genres evolving and new offerings being given.

Horror and Cats's avatar

As Admiral Akbar once said, "It's a trap!"

No, music wasn't better or worse in any "day." Music is art and is therefore subjective. If you name any year, I'm sure there is a song released within that year that any living person with functioning ears would end up nodding their head to.

Despite lyrical style or instrumental and thematic conventions, there is ALWAYS someone going against the grain, defying said conventions.


Yes music was a lot better back in my day.You could understand the words you could relate to the music and what the song was about.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I think that depends a lot on the genre you are mostly listening to. I was always mostly into rock and metal and even though the genre changed and evolved a lot, there were great artists when I was growing up and I keep finding great artists today.

I was never really into pop music, even in the 80-90s there were a few songs or artists I would listen to, but in general didn't like the genre that much. Same can be said about today's pop music some I would not listen to even if someone paid me for it, while others you would catch me putting on while cleaning the house.

Truth to be told though as a kid I used to listen to the radio or watched MTV a lot more, because there was nothing else available. Now with all the streaming services or money to buy albums from the artist I like I don't listen to radio anymore, so I don't know what is popular or not today to really make a judgement on it.

The only time I listened to the radio was when we went to Hungary and the local retro radio was on in the restaurant. They were playing sons what were current in my late teen or early 20s and I was shocked it's classed as retro now, because back then a lot of people were saying it was garbage. So maybe nostalgia changes a lot how we look at music or experiences in general from a younger maybe more carefree time of our lives.

Stella's avatar

No - it's the music we remember

As a gen z-er, I do have the tendency to say that music in the past was better. I think that today music is overproduced in order to just make a profit, yet this has always been the case.

At any point in time throughout the 20th century there was bad, tacky, sell-out music, yet this tends to not be the music that sticks out to us when we're reminiscing on the 'great' music of an era. However, when we're actively living in a time and watching music come out, we can more accurately see how much bad stuff is out there.

However, I do think, at least in the western world, you don't see as many emerging musicians from working-class backgrounds. There seem to be more artists from very privileged backgrounds or 'nepo babies' as we like to call them heheh. Then this boils down to the question... does struggle create better art? It's a whole other can of worms we can discuss hehe.

Jenna 's avatar

”back in my day” wasn’t too long ago, early 2000s. Definitely yes. They just don’t make music how they used to. I’m definitely into older than me music, but I do love some of the early 2000s rock and pop music. My mom told me I used to love the song Hey Ya by Outkast. Ofc I don’t remember this, but she told me I used to have the best dance moves for it lol anyway, I just feel like everything had more passion back then, every song felt meaningful and felt like love was put into it. Nowadays it feels like every song is studio built, there’s nothing real. Like a robot made it. If that makes sense. I can’t hardly stand to listen to todays pop music.

Konquest's avatar

I agree, music evolves. I listen to music from all genres. From heavy metal, hip hop, trance, ambient, classic, retro and more. But for me the time that had the most effect on me was in the late 90s, more in rock and alternative. Specifically bands like linkin park and blink 182 which I followed from their start. As they evolved with the times so did their music. It shows how bands evolve with the times and adapt.

But the time I will always remember were their first albums ‘Take Off Your Pants and Jacket‘ and ‘Hybrid Theory’ at the time I was in my teenage years and whenever I listen to those albums it takes me back to the time where you felt young, the world belongs to you and you can do anything. These days I find myself listening more to synthwave and 80s pop 😄


Music was better back in my day at the time, but in hindsight I doubt it

Music for me pretty much started at Uni, 2010-2014! Loved Example, Rita Ora, Jason Derulo, Calvin Harris, Rihanna etc, loved all of their songs and whenever I hear them it definitely gives me nostalgia but listening to it without that nostalgia lens it's almost like watching TV in HD rather than 4K, it was good at the time but the sound/video metaphorically doesn't live up to todays standards imo

Makster's avatar

Pretty much what I was going to say. I think you grow up around the music you hear passively and then associate it with 'good times' which is why you have such an affinity to it. Which is probably why there is a 30 year cycle of eras. We're coming up to the 90's now so baggy jeans, grunge, and RnB will be popular now

NeoKazuho's avatar

I believe that music is for everyone to enjoys. regardless of their preference. Where there is music, there is a place where you can put all your feeling and emotion on it. As some of the songs really can touch someone heart or may related to someone else life which makes every songs have a unique of its own

Sturmer's avatar


In my opinion, music has improved since the 90s, which I consider my formative teen years. Back then, the music seemed somewhat simplistic, repetitive, and flat. This might be attributed to two major factors:

  1. The Rise of Remixes: The 90s marked the era where remixes began to gain prominence, setting the stage for the explosion of creativity we saw in the 2000s when remixing became mainstream. The 90s served as a period of transition and experimentation in this regard. Check this awesome educational video -

  2. Technological Limitations: The transition to digital instruments in the 80s brought about a certain sameness due to limited samples available at the time. This often resulted in the same sounds being recycled across different tracks, particularly in music that focused heavily on vocals.

Today, the advances in technology have revolutionized music production. We now have access to a vast array of samples, and digital versions of expensive synthesizers, effectors, and drum machines are broadly available. It’s possible to emulate an entire orchestra and choir from the comfort of one’s home, allowing for the composition of complex pieces that were not feasible back in the 90s.

This evolution underscores a significant improvement in the quality and diversity of music produced today, reflecting technological advancements and broader creative possibilities.

Damien Mason's avatar

Every single person needs to watch Everything Is A Remix. When I first started my Film & Television Production Bachelor's Degree, the very first thing they did was usher us into a seminar hall and play the original. It's so comprehensive and powerful that it stuck with me like glue. Also, it's EXACTLY how a YouTube video should be done. Fun, informative, but most importantly succinct and not drawn out for ad revenue.


100% - when I was 10, it was when Oasis broke onto the scene and that was the time when I was obsessed with music. It was a joy!

I now have a 10 year old myself and seeing just how little they are able to interact with music in the same way is a shame. Most of the tracks sound the same and the constant flow of new music delivered at them through different means is overwhelming. We used to have to get pocket money and go to Woolworths to buy the latest single, or album, whereas these days it's throw away at the touch of a button.

Whilst I do enjoy digital music delivery, it's super easy - I think it's lost a large part of the experience for younger people trying to get into and enjoy music!

Rich's avatar

Streaming has changed so much, and iPods before that. It's tempting to think it's easier to appreciate music now because so much is available to you, but as you say I don't think that's true - when I bought a CD I sat down and listened to it with a deliberation that I simply don't apply any longer. Though I suppose there's nothing stopping me...!

Kane Carnifex's avatar

It's complicated. My dad still has his hifi system from 30 years ago… these good old paper Transistors.. or whatever it's a long time.

Kind of technical progress from the listener Side.

-> All time vinyl lover <- From Tape Decks into CDs into Data MP3 going to FLAC. Napster flopped and here we are running Youtube and Spotify as the main source.

From CD to MP3 was a big game changer cause you could more easily have your own mix as a playlist. But you didn't have to carry all the CDs with you. For my Car time this was a big plus plus plus.

The handling of MP3 or Streaming or downloaded Streaming is actually the same. Sharing playlists got a lot easier on a legal basis and also the access to more variety of world wide music.

The internet is a good and bad place, but for me it is a source where I can find everything. Or other people can present anything they have created in a good and bad way.

30, na 20 Years of Music progress starting around 1999 to 2024. As said with the Internet the amount of crap massively increased. Less Heartblood is in the Songs, it's just about the money. Less blood means less quality but somehow people like it.

But imagine you need to speed music back from 1800 or so just to have the understanding from back then to today. It's the same with the Movies. We have so many of them today but the overall quality is kind of low.

But then again the good and the bad side and damn music is kind of personal thingi. 

So was it better back than?

Yes, but a lot less variety and my horizon wasn´t that big as it is now. Now, good stuff is harder to find… but my taste is also better defined. The burden of knowledge…

Alex's avatar

I wouldn't say music was necessarily better back then, but I do think that the sound and artist was unique to that time. I do think it shows that music has evolved over time with artists like Britney Spears, Hillary Duff, and Miley Cyrus jus to name a few have shown how their style in their music.

Although I do have a soft soft for songs from the late 90's and early 2000's cause that is what I grew up on and they're like a memory for me

Sturmer's avatar

I like how people have different experiences in that matter! Rich fantastic bounty!

Rich's avatar

Thank you, glad my millennial crisis shook loose such thoughtful answers!

Damien Mason's avatar


Music is a fascinating thing. I still have nostalgia for 90s nu metal because Linkin Park facilitated my transition into a rocker, but today isn't without its merits. Just recently, I found myself reflecting on how amazing it is that bands today can still find a signature sound 70 years after the overarching genre debuted. I could blindly identify any one of these bands solely based on their instrumentals without the vocalist, even if I'd never heard the specific song before:

Starset - Devolution (2021)

Blending hard rock with a mature electronic sound

The Home Team - Loud (2023)

A mixture of funky fun with intricate guitar riffs.

Bad Omens x Poppy - V.A.N (2024)

Almost industrial electronic of sorts. I have a type, okay...

Nothing More - If It Doesn't Hurt (2024)

Existing somewhere between alt metal and alt rock, there's a distinct guitar/bass blend that always stands out to me. Sure, the voice helps, but I could probably tell you it's them without Johnny Hawkins.

My point is that new music is thriving in 2024 and still exploring different blends and approaches. I've noticed more people becoming famous for production in bands than the instruments they play, crafting a reputation for consistency.

Jordan Fish is a great example before he left Bring Me The Horizon to go solo. He's a core reason why I started to like the band, joining during the Sempiternal era. I wouldn't say he's single-handedly responsible for their success, but without him, they might've stayed on the fringe for all these years.

It's fine to be set in your ways. Breaking Benjamin constantly tops my most-listened to for the year on Spotify. But judging new music before you genuinely listen to it means you'll miss out on some of the best songs to grace this earth. I, for one, wouldn't want to chance that.

Rich's avatar

Thoughtful, thorough answer, and genuinely helped me feel more positive about today's heavy music. I still keep up with things, kinda, but don't feel like I'm adding as many new artists to my playlists in the last ~five years as I used to. Do you think discoverability or saturation is getting to be a bigger problem than in the '90s/'00s when channels were fewer and more clearly defined?

Damien Mason's avatar

This will bleed into the Spotify bounty I'll undoubtedly submit to, but perhaps. There is a level of saturation nowadays, but there's also way more discoverability on my end. I found Starset because of the YouTube algorithm. I found Bad Omens and, more recently, The Home Team via Spotify's algorithm. I just let my playlists end and run onto what Spotify thinks I might like. It can get a bit repetitive since the algorithm refreshes maybe once per week, but it's served some really good stuff up.

I also feel like the social medias and streaming platforms of today encourage far more collaboration and guests than they used to. Bad Omens (5.3m Spotify listeners) collaborated with Poppy (2.5m Spotify listeners) in my suggestions above, but the most recent release that came out today, The Drain, features Health (of Cyberpunk 2077 fame, 1.7m Spotify listeners) and Swarm (276k Spotify listeners). It uplifts lesser-known artists and elevates them. Sure, this isn't a new practice, but back in the 90s/00s, I couldn't just click on their profile and discover a wealth of music.

There were just as many bands back then as there are now, but they would've just been buried garage bands in the 90s/00s, playing local shows to make ends meet. Spotify pays buttons, and I don't like the business model, but it does give a lot more people a fighting chance, even if they're not chart-worthy. I'm addicted to Dance With The Dead as my work music and I never would've found them without these platforms.

If the algorithms aren't working in your favour like they are mine, then places exactly like Just About Music are your best bet. Let people know your favourites, and eventually, people will recommend songs that are right up your alley.

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