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Dave's avatar

The two different companions I have played with have been really annoying. The first one was kind of my fault really. I played for days wondering why everyone else's was chopping down trees and they were complaining about it, when mine was just smashing up rocks I didn't want. I wanted the wood for the tower bounty challenge on here! It took me a while to figure out I needed to swap their equipped weapon to get them to change.

Later on I would hand them a mass of wood while I went to the top of the tower busy building, they would never fill the structure up with it and I would have to go back down (because they also wouldn't climb the tower) and do it myself.

One day they just completely disappeared with a load of my stuff, never to return. The companion I later hired didn't really seem as interested and was even less helpful than the first one!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I had enough of my companion chopping down trees around my base (I still haven't figured out how you grow those trees back so the area is not the most pleasant view) so I thought I'll take her to another realm, give her the axe there and she can chop trees to her heart's content while I complete some puzzles, what can go wrong? Famous last words....

Because what does dear Agnes do? While I turn my back and complete the puzzle she decides to chop the biggest tree closes to the location and drop it right on top of me! Luckily it was just a small HP loss and not lethal but now I'm pretty much convinces she didn't like when that one time I swapped her for another lady just to get some better gear off her and now that I took her back (because I still prefer her for some odd reason) she made it a quest to murder me...

Sturmer's avatar

Nell, Nell, Nell... I could probably write a book about how she constantly backstabs me! Whether it’s hiding in the bushes during a boss fight, vanishing with my items and gear only to return the next day without them and naked.

But let's not get too personal. There's one particular nuisance I think every Nightingale player will recognize—skillful dodging when you're slowly moving while overburdened.

Just as you're hauling something heavy, moving at a snail's pace hoping to reach your companion to hit "E" and unload those burdensome rocks, the companion AI decides it's the perfect moment to stroll right out of interaction range. And there you are, pleading, "waaaaaaaait for meeeeeeee-e-e-ee," as they nonchalantly wander off.

And they do this EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

That sounds exactly like my Agnes. They even look the same!

HippieViking's avatar

There I'll be, just walking around a Realm, trying to resource gather for higher tier resources, I'll hear my wondrous companion chopping trees next to me, which is helpful and appreciated, except for when the cut trees always land on me. My Companion has dropped so many trees on me, that they have killed me twice and on 2 other occasions, the dropped trees LITERALLY hurtled me through the air and killed me with falling damage, as I was to slow both times to pull my umbrella out and save me. Love the extra assistance when they're not dropping trees on me or putting all my wood resources into the fire pits.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I built my base around a floating platform with a majestic tree at the top. Like Minas Tirith, the tree was my symbol, my emblem, and my pride. That was until my companion not only chopped it down but in the process bounced me to my death in the jagged rocks below. Now he only gets to use the axe when he's on his best behaviour, a long long way away from my base.

Also, welcome to Just About Nightingale! We're happy to have you here. We've got an intros thread where you can say a quick 'hello' (if you want 😊)


My husband and I share a realm, and he had a companion, Mable, who he dismissed for another companion in a Hunt Forest realm. When we got back to our Forest Abeyance base, Mable was already there, and had started chopping down the trees I’d kept in the courtyard area of our house and loved very much. We closed all the doors and locked her out, but then she started chopping the walls of our house with an axe at the point closest to the courtyard trees, clearly hell-bent on exacting revenge for my husband’s betrayal. There was nothing we could do make her go away until he finally created a new character, joined our realm, courted Mable to become that character’s companion, then left.

Moral of the story - sometimes a rebound relationship is what's called for.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's so good 😂I hope they're very happy together, although I get the feeling your new character is probably locked in a dark room somewhere. Thank you for the excellent first bounty submission and welcome aboard! We've got an intros thread if you want to say a quick 'hi' (no pressure!)


I put ALL of my wood into the saw table, and made a giant stack of lumber to build a new house.

Couldn't carry it of course, so I gave it to Aaron, my trusty sidekick NPC.

Except now he's apparently not so trusty (or being passive-aggressive for being made to carry that much lumber) because we used a portal, then returned home, and the lumber is just...gone.

The NPC I replaced with him with, however? Not gone.

Hilda straight up will NOT stop breaking into my house and staring at me and it's creepy.

...I think she watches me sleep, you guys.

I had to let her go, because she'd just take out her hammer and start breaking things (this why you got fired, Hilda!) then make prolonged eye contact and be all up in your way when I took away her hammer.

I mean for real, Hilda feels like a psycho ex... every time I turn around, she startles the crap out of me from approximately 3 inches away from my face, and she isn't even my companion any more!!

It's bad enough having one of them break all my stuff, but then I fire Hilda and recruit Aaron, who absconds with my lumber... while Hilda watches me with her "I miss you so much it hurts" eyes from beside my bed.

These NPC shenanigans are just ridiculous. Especially since I expressed to her I no longer desired her companionship.

Serious question - Does Hilda have my lumber? I might consider taking her back if she does. Just saying, it was A LOT of lumber.


Hilda sounds crazy, destructive and down right pysco with alot of lumber... where might she be hired?

Nicole's avatar

Get it together, Hilda! 😂

Caitriona39's avatar

No yea they totally stalk us. I wake up every long rest to find them standing ON my bed staring down at me, pick or what have you in hand. And mine are always stashing lumber, included gilded, and paper!- in my firepits.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Wow this is making me feel grateful for my decidedly non-creepy buddy Earnest. Sure he's chucked a few things he shouldn't on the fireplace, but he tries, bless him. The chap has a heart of gold. I was half-considering replacing him, but there's no way I'm risking a Hilda.

In other news, welcome to Just About and thank you for this great first bounty entry! Make yourself at home here, and if you fancy saying a 'hello' to our growing community, we have an intros thread:


Norman, my first and only faithful companion, a joly good fellow who is as silent as death. Well Norman does the damndest thing where while im mining, he believes he is helping by standing just within the striking area. This has caused some concern for mining as instead of mining, i am driving a pickaxe into the chap not realizing it until the 4th or 5th strike.

Old Chap still stays silent about it...

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's true loyalty. I'll raise a toast to Norman, he who stayed stoic and silent even as the pickaxe hits fell.

I haven't seen your name around, so I'll grab this moment to give a warm welcome to Just About Nightingale! We have an introductions thread if you ever fancy saying a quick 'hello!'

Caitriona39's avatar

From this moment on, I refused to arm my companion with an axe. I was hunting down an Elder Eoten to offer to in exchange for a heart. Upon successfully completing said task, my companion decided to chop down the nearest tree, initiating combat with what was now a very offended giant tree. I let the tree do what it must and disbanded her from my party. The second time, I was aiding a survivor in building what looked like the most amateur deer blind possible when the idiot and my companion went wood bundle hunting and tried to chop down what turned out to be a Holt Eoten, which promptly destroyed the fully wooden encampment I had just spent 20 minutes completing and attacked us all.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Baha this tickled me. Welcome to Just About! We've got an introductions thread here; feel free to pop in a hello (no pressure!)

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Paul is to thank for this great bounty idea, and as Paul says: remember that Nightingale is in early access, so be forgiving


I had a companion by the name of Bertie. She was wonderful helping me break big rocks into little ones, and she had a very strong back as she carried lots of material for me to assist creating a wonderful village for us to live and thrive. And then one day I turned around to talk to her and she was just gone, like fluff on a blustery day. I truly hope it wasn't anything I did or said.

This prompted me to seek companionship in another, and so far Flora has stuck it out with me, but I am also a lot more cognizant of what and how I say anything to her. She is a cute, curly haired blonde, but I have remained a perfect gentleman and have made no advances on her to avoid sullying her honor and making her seek solace elsewhere. I hope that one day our companionship blossoms into something meaningful, but maybe after she stops playing certain shenanigans.

I had outgrown my old original homestead and had found a beautiful location where I could build a majestic pagoda styled castle at the top of a waterfall, as well as a small town at its base. Since my old location had a lot of materials we could use, I figured Flora, also of a stout spine sweetheart like Bertie, could help me move the heavy boxes of goods.

I loaded her pack up, gathered up more, and when I went to put more in her pack, the other stuff was gone. Apparently she wasn't keen on carrying such a heavy load today and decided it was better off left in the storage boxes. I loaded her pack again and then ran to the portal calling her name to follow. This was cumbersome, and the next time I overloaded myself with product and Flora saw me crawling toward her with a ruptured spine and blown out knees, she ran away from me, and around the structures, avoiding the load of goods she knew I was about to fill her pack with. We played this game until the sun went down and back up again.

Needless to say, I was exhausted, Flora was giddy, but moving day was finally over and I collapsed on the bed while being cautious to not make any innuendo statements or suggestive eye contact toward the little minx.

Nicole's avatar

Welcome Froskur , we're happy to have you! It looks like you sent this as a 'reply' rather than a submission. If you resubmit this using the 'Submit to bounty' button under the rules, it will be eligible to win.


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