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AirGaram's avatar

What I would like to see would be a place like a gravity-centered biome, something like the distortion world from pokemon where there are floating islands everywhere with invisible bridges connecting them, trees and rocks glitching in places they’re not supposed to be, and the place would be in like eternal darkness or something.

For enemies maybe something like a creature with multiple limbs that blends slightly with the surroundings. Or something like wraiths. For the apex predator, maybe a dragon-like creature like a hydra.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

This would be awesome, especially with some flying pterodactyl-like creatures that threaten to throw you into the abyss

Limal's avatar


I keep finding many divers and marine-themed items, especially in deserts. There should be an aquatic realm somewhere.

Similar to wet/heat bars, there should be a breath bar, enhanced by gear.

The navigation will also be three-dimensional. And a special construction set would allow building a breathable dome where players can build regular housing.

For reference, I have the Subnautica and Bioshock games in mind.

Nine's avatar


I just think if Nightingale have last destination biome, ans that's biome is hell / nether biome.

So in that's biome have a high level monster, much a ruin / forbidden building, on that's biome have a high temperature, and have boss who can kill player with 1 / 2 hit.

If you want to out of this biome you must kill the boss, and active portal again to teleport.

My image of the biome is like hell that will torture all players who enter the biome, but inside the biome is hidden a rare item. .

Paul's avatar

I would love to see an inception style world.

The land would curl up at some sides and have disconneted parts in the sky that when looking up, you look down on. I imagen this world would be mainly grassland and forrest however the upside down floating islands could be randomised biomes.

To match the twisted dream style world enemys would equally be eccentric and odd. The old Amiga game Weired Dreams comes to mind for ideas on the type of creatures that would rome arround.

And for the Apex predator, this big guy. I always imagined him shepherding a group of the big headed feet dudes. Maybe hes peaceful unless you attack his flock.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Not sure if we get anything similar to this in crafting and building towards endgame, but it would be cool to see a futuristic, very much steampunk biome. Maybe a group of early Realmwalkers settled there and their technology progressed differently than the one back on Earth. But then something happened to them and the biome is now abandoned by humans, there are only remnants of their settlements left, and the monsters we have to deal with are steam-powered robots or such going on rampage.

The weather could be some acidic rain as the construct their built destroyed the environment, so we would need to craft equipment which would protect us from the rain, but in return this biome would be rich in metal-based materials, maybe some form of energy cells which we could then use to power our workshops.

As for apex predator... what about the very machine which turned out to be a bad construction and was in the end responsible for wiping out the inhabitants of this biome.

Foolish_Imp's avatar

I think it would be cool to have a biome that plays on the idiosyncratic nature of the fae and styles an experience like the movie Labyrinth. The map could be split into a maze section, a noxious gas section, a dense forest, and a ruined city with a castle. Different weather and day/night cycles would happen in each section; for example, it being dusk and fogy in the forest while it is snowy and midday in the maze. Buildings within the map could lead to Escher-like stairs and rooms, where you could end up on the ceiling or the walls. Enemies would be spider-like hands, living boulders, and impish fairies. The apex predator would be a creature that throws its biting head at you. There would also be a big boss which, of course, would be a goblin king.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Oh I'd be so up for a Labyrinth-inspired biome!

Sturmer's avatar

The Moon

But not the moon we know now, but the moon from 1902, which IMO fits the Nightingale universe.

As reference you can use the movie A Trip to the Moon - Wikipedia (1902) and it's recolored version Le voyage extraordinaire (2011) - IMDb

It's a ready biome, with mushroom forests, weird alien enemies, and tech. You can build a rocket with sails or a bullet, or rediscover an ancient fae portal to the abandoned moon base. Storylines from the light to the dark sides of the moon could uncover some hints about Nightingale's calamity.

Limal's avatar

Honestly, it does not look like a crazy idea at all.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Our thanks to cyruz for suggesting this cool bounty idea in our last suggest-a-bounty bounty!

0ffworld's avatar

I'm honored that my post inspired you. Looking forward to reading all the entries to this one!

Sinclair's avatar

Old-ancient-town like Machu Picchu!
i think it will so good and can carry many mistery sites while we traveling inside, who knows there will be a rare monster or rare drop while exploring the city itself
also, i think this will be so beautifull with the scenery itself !


While I am aware that this is a late submission after the window has closed, I had spent a lot of time thinking on this subject and honestly, I care more about the ideas' possible inclusion more than I do about money.

1) The Fae Gardens

One thing which is common among the many tales of the Fae is that of vast gardens. They would have an abundance of beautiful flowers, topiary, ponds, hedge mazes, gazebos (not for fighting, though a gazebo monster would be a great easter egg for those in the know), lawns, grottos, and follies. These things are already somewhat represented in the game in various areas in the forest, but they are sparsely populated. Going along with this idea would be a Wonderland style variant of the Red Queen's Rose Garden with checkerboard paths and playing card soldiers (as wonderland is in the public domain, and relevant to the timeline of the game, wonderland could easily be its' own biome style). Keeping with this theme you could have giant chess boards with the clockwork chessmen populating it, perhaps even playing out their own elaborate games against one another or even having "towns" with them just going about their days emulating the biological folk.

2) The Artistic Realms

Another idea I had was that of realms which trend more toward the surreal aspects of the human psyche. The further we explore away from the realms with physics similar to Earth the more bizarre things should become, one such place could be a variant on the existing biomes which I think of as "Artistic Realms" which would render the world in various artistic media. Imagine a realm made of Oil Paint (a la What Dreams May Come) or a realms where Pastels or Charcoal are what the land is composed of. Interestingly, you could even use the resources here to be a source of some refined materials, such as the rocks and plants turning into paint instead of stone or fiber, trees turning in to charcoal instead of wood, or even rendering the world as fabric swatches with the resources being harvested as cloth, fabric, and leather.

3) Land Reefs

Currently swimming is a very deadly thing for the realmwalker, so Atlantis style realms, while a wonderful idea (consider that it's own suggestion if you want, but that's outside the scope of this idea and is basically self-explanatory) are impractical without a reworking of that system. However, I think a coral reef like biome on land would be wonderful. It would have various coral formations, winding caves created by the interaction of various coral masses intersecting, birds and other flying creatures creating "schools" living in and around the air-reefs would dominate. There could be various predators lurking in wait much like Moray Eels, Urchin's and other dynamic but sedentary fauna replacing traditional flora throughout. You could even have vast sections of Bioluminescence. This would be a living stone jungle with land variants of traditional oceanic creatures, giant clams, land sharks, etc. It would be familiar, yet surreal seeing these things outside their traditional contexts. Some inspirations may be found in Brandon Sanderson's "Stormlight Archive" world of Roshar as that has a very aquatic feel, though on land.

4) The Horological Realms

One thing which is being underplayed in this game is clockwork. While you have the various Clockwork chessmen, there are a great deal of other mechanical marvels which could be demonstrated. A realm where the reminders of time are ever-present would be quite interesting. Taking inspiration from Dali's Persistence of Memory, a realm with clocks worked into ever tree, hanging over them, birds make of clocks with wings (time does fly after all ;D), crocodiles (a la Peter Pan), and other creatures inspired by the idea of time's passage could be fun. It would also be interesting to have the flow of time in these places be somewhat random, and perhaps even reverse itself at times, with the native creatures moving backwards and the sun reversing direction in the sky, you could even have a master clock at the heart of the realm, much like the Fae Towers are in the current ones, which would let the player manipulate the flow of time, including the ability to freeze or reverse it (From a game mechanics standpoint it would have little to no effect, but being able to set the specific time of day would be an interesting idea, especially for photographers). Perhaps time could jump randomly until the bound are expelled from the master clock representing the curing of some sort of infection?

There are other ideas I have, but these are the best of them and I think 4 late submissions is good enough for now, if you run something similar again, perhaps I'll submit them then. I have 1 or 2 which are good, but I don't see how they could be implemented within the current narrative framework of the game.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Each of these ideas is fantastic, and I really appreciate the level of detail you've gone to. If we turn this article into a piece of curated content, you can be sure that it'll be included. You mention Dali, and it's previously struck me that the desert realm is quite Dali-esque already. So much so that we have a Dali style Nightingale screenshot bounty planned. You heard it here first. Thank you once more for the excellent post and suggestions!


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