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Toretto 70's avatar

Build the base beside the tree

the tree can destroy your base when you cutting down the tree


Ignoring the pigs because "they don't see me"

Sturmer's avatar

My biggest rookie mistake? Completely ignoring the backpack crafting as soon as it became available. The default weight limit is 50 kilograms, so when I was building my tower challenge, I was literally working with nothing equipped just to maximize my weight capacity. All the while, I could have simply crafted a backpack from some fibers and a pair of sticks, which would have doubled my carrying capacity!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I picked a nice spot for my base with a lovely forest view. Grabbed my axe and went out to chop down some trees on the edge... And forgot that my companion had an axe too and she proceeded to cut down the trees which I wanted to keep for aesthetics.... And I never figured out how to grow them back so there was my base surrounded by tree trunks.

Sturmer's avatar

Regrowth - Tier 2 spell, will solve your problem

Lanah Tyra's avatar

This was still in the previous version, I'll be smarter now when I start over, but that's good to know, thank you!

yan57436's avatar

I know it sounds basic, but I've never played games in this style before and I've always focused a lot on exploration and adventure games, so I ended up going out into the world in search of exploration and always thinking “I can find resources easily, just in case”, and I imagine you already know what happened: not only did I get hungry, but my stamina dropped and I died far from my base. At this point, another mistake comes into play: not having any sense of direction, which hinders me too much haha. Result: I lost some items and had to walk a long way

Sturmer's avatar

how long time ago was it? You are not supposed to lose any items upon death.

yan57436's avatar

I know this shouldn't happen, but I think it was just a bug that I saw and that was common when the game was released, but the fact that I simply wasn't aware of it made it even more incredible and rookie

JHenckes's avatar

I think the only survival games I've ever played were Minecraft and Don't Starve and I was never any good at either hahaha. In Nightingale, my most banal mistake was simply wanting to explore the world as soon as possible, without preparing myself and understanding the game's crafting mechanics better. And it was as an “explorer” that I died several times to strong and aggressive enemies. As the game doesn't indicate whether I'm in a dangerous area, I didn't expect to encounter some enemies so easily and I ended up dying several times and slowing down my progress. The worst thing is that at first I felt angry with the game, thinking it was badly made, but the problem was me hahaha! Nowadays I have a lot of fun playing the game, the days of making mistakes are over (I hope...)

Limal's avatar

Gave my companion my best weapon to chop trees, but he disappeared!

Do not put anything valuable in your companions' inventory!

Sturmer's avatar

Yes, I suffered from this too. Then my Nell disappeared with full epic equipment and then reappeared bare, having been sold in a pawn shop?!

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