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Makster's avatar

Totally agree on the Digimon Anime. Digimon Adventures (I think it was called) really captured my interest as a kid, especially when they took the story from the Digital world into the real one.

TW: domestic abuse

The story also dealt with divorced parents, death, loss. So many quite mature themes for a kids show (that probably escaped censors since they thought it was like Pokemon haha).

Lastly I think Digimon had a more lasting impact (at least for the adults I had in my life). Whenever they were quizzed to name a Pokemon: they'd either say Pikachu (obviously) or ___-mon or used a word with the suffix -mon. So at least Digimon was able to infect the brains of non-fans into thinking -mon was a naming convention of all anime monsters from that time.

Now where are my Monster Rancher fans at?

JHenckes's avatar

I think it's interesting to compare the two works, I understand that it's because they both deal with little monsters that evolve, but they are so different!

I like Digimon a lot more because it's more in-depth with both the characters and the digital monsters, as well as being more creative with the evolutions and caring about each character! Even so, Pokémon has a big place in my heart because of the nostalgia. The old games were part of my childhood!

Sav's avatar

Growing up I preferred Digimon for the Animè and Pokémon for the games.

I stopped watching Pokémon after Hoenn and Digimon after a few series.

I've gotten back into the new Horizons series on iPlayer and I've been loving it a lot.

Scrbzy's avatar

I preferred the Digimon series over Pokemon for sure, I thought the over arching storyline was a lot stronger and I found myself far more invested as a result.

I didn't actually watch Pokemon that much, I got the impression that there was a lot of filler? The games and TCG I was obsessed with though.

yan57436's avatar

I believe that people will prefer what they come into contact with first. As my first contact was with Pokemon, I was never able to develop a fondness for Digimon. Apart from the games that influence the franchises too much

CMDR Henckes's avatar

Lot of people that I know, like me for exemple, had the first contact with Pokemon. What I see that is more common, the people that really loves Pokémon had a Gameboy with a Pokémon game as a kid. So I believe they grew a strong bond with the Pokémon universe witch includes the anime.

yan57436's avatar

Games strengthen bonds too much, apart from the fact that they are timeless

Bruno646's avatar

For me it highly depends if your comparing og pokemon and Digimon Id go with Pokemon in a heartbeat but when it comes to the new Pokemon shows they just dont hold the same level of detail and storytelling the original did and in that case Digimon would win


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