Extreme sports are so called because they're thought to be riskier than most. The label is applied to a great many sports, including new and ever more daring ones conceived every week, and there's a lot of variance even within the category.
We're looking for clips of the most extreme or obscure of extreme sports: the ones that we might not have heard of because bungee-chainsaw-juggling was only invented last week, or the ones at the upper end of the word 'extreme' (while remaining firmly within the bounds of legality, sanity, and good taste - check our code of conduct if in doubt).
Share a third-party clip of any sport meeting this description. Ten winning entries get $3 apiece!
Additional disclaimer: be careful out there! Anyone practising any extreme sport successfully is only able to do so because of years of careful training and experience. Do not try anything that may be posted in response to this bounty without BOTH professional advice and full understanding of and preparation for the risks.
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$12 / 30
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