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Wings's avatar

Oh yep! I had the Samsung E370 in red and I adored it! Sliding in shut was a much more satisfying way to end a phone call.

Sturmer's avatar

Soomeone got a nostalgia mood today? :) all posts about too_old.jpg

Horror and Cats's avatar

I was so thirsty for a Sidekick when it came out. It was definitely more exciting to shop for, but ultimately the “slab with a screen” has been the best kind of phone I’ve used. I do still have a flip phone for the battery life in my emergency kit though.

In the US, you don’t need a service plan to call and connect to emergency services (IDK if it’s the same in the UK is why I specify) and my little flip phone has a 2 week battery life while ON, let alone if powered off.

It’s like a fidget spinner for me, flipping it open and closing it absent minded.

Rupert's avatar

I thought I was so cool...

Horror and Cats's avatar

that was the dream. The Reloaded phones were a joke comparatively

Limal's avatar

let me guess, its a famous nokia business class banana from Matrix?! A fine example of product placement

Konquest's avatar

As a kid the first time I saw this on the Matrix I wanted one so bad! a few years later when I was older I worked part time jobs and finally got one. That was about the time color screen phones were the norm, not touch screens yet. I was so happy and excited everytime someone called me :D

Makster's avatar

Hell yes! It just screamed 00's to have a flip phone or a Motorola. I joke that Square was only able to make Advent Children because of the product placements deal they had with Sony. It even extended to a small line I think in Advent Children/ Dirge of Cerberus where Vincent ponders whether he should have a phone to stay in touch with people.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I do think we should be able to change the way our phones look with custom jobs on them, but I am not sure the market for it now is as high as it was back then, I find people often lack the "individual" personality nowadays, it's a lot more the sheep following the sheep who is following the wolf you know?

Limal's avatar

flip phones, sliders, tiny nokias 8800 and 8250..., ngage i miss them all. Todays phones are big and boring.

Wings's avatar

Plus they used to be solid as a brick and almost indescrutible!

Limal's avatar

with changeable battery!

Paul's avatar

I loved the walkman phones, I even had the speakers you have on the photo.


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