Is this a good idea, sustainable or not? No i don't work for amazon marketing, just something i was thing about.
Amazon Sustainable Essentials BoxWhat if Amazon developed a range of PLASTIC FREE Amazon-branded household essentials in One Box
The Amazon Sustainable Essentials Box would contain necessary items for a sustainable home for 2 weeks.
What’s in the box:
Toilet paper x 6 rolls – Brown Paper Wrapped
Shampoo Bar – Simple ingredients
Deodorant Bar – Not highly Perfumed
Washing Powder – Eco
Soap Bar
Toothpaste Tablets – eco bag?
Dishwashing Bar or Dishwasher Tablets – Choice
Many regular Amazon users still rely on physical stores for household essentials. So Less customers driving to get essentials.
customer could save a considerable amount of plastic from going to waste.
Could save Money
Would people prefer simple items to save plastic or are people too dependant on what would be considered more luxurious?
What else could go in the box?
Would you buy it?
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