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Paul's avatar

I have been considering the ROG Ally as I have games over several launchers (because PC gaming) but atm price is quite important so Im still tempted by the Oled steam deck.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I feel ya, $150/$250 is a big delta. I will say I’ve never been DISAPPOINTED in the Deck

yan57436's avatar

I think that the system in which the steam deck is inserted is still its great differential, extremely practical, almost a “plug and play”. I see steam supplying its system to others in the future, since their main interest is their store. I think we'll soon see microsoft entering the fray too, either with a system aimed at handhelds or with a “console” itself

JHenckes's avatar

Whether you like it or not, a portable video game, like the steam deck, is designed to be something you can play quickly away from home or away from where the video game is plugged in. So the more responsive and fluid it is, the better!

Damien Mason's avatar

Windows on handhelds being a boon is certainly a perspective. I personally feel the opposite because it's just too clunky to enjoy. Armoury Crate sucks, even with the latest updates. I feel the bother of one-time setups for launchers on Steam Deck is far less than the bother of enduring Windows navigation on handhelds every time I use a portable device. The only thing you outright miss out on with SteamOS is anything with incompatible anti-cheats.

As for power, that's also a bit of a perspective. I completely understand the hunger for better graphics or frame rates, but the greater these get, the more battery it eats. The beauty of Steam Deck OLED is that it lasts longer than most of the competition when compared settings like for like. True enough that Ally X has more scalability, but I feel most people will channel their inner Icarus and fly too close to the sun, wondering why their battery life sucks so much. I guess a tech-savvy user won't be burned if they're mindful enough to undervolt when traveling.

Having used many of these handhelds personally, I still feel Steam Deck OLED is king and even a worthy upgrade over LCD so long as you can sell it. It's long been the least powerful of the bunch but time and time again I've seen that the extra power isn't worth it if the handheld lasts an hour at a time.

JHenckes's avatar

If you prioritize display quality and price, the Steam Deck OLED is the better choice. If you're looking for superior performance and a high refresh rate, the ROG Ally X might be worth the investment. But on a personal note, I see the steam deck as the best option. I see a company providing better support, guaranteeing greater longevity, better porting for some games (even with the ROG Ally's greater power), among other reasons. That's why I'd probably buy the Steam Deck.


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