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Two Point Museum

Two Point Museum

The museum tour route will be determined by the location of the exhibit markers. Please ensure the markers are facing the correct direction

Rich's avatar

Wait, is this the reason my tours sometimes take unnecessarily long/inefficient/nonsensical routes when I'm planning them out? THANK YOU!

Foamz's avatar

You can save yourself from alot of trouble with the Boggeyman gang by making this rail pattern on your toilets!

Rich's avatar

Love the security guard camped outside 😂

Merlinux74's avatar

The thing I would have definitely liked to know before spending money on various decorations, would have been to choose carefully the things to put and where to put them. It is not random what you put and where you put it, because it affects the visitors and their happiness. For example, putting the bathrooms where there are the most trafficked areas is better, compared to where I put them secluded. Or even the elements for donations, placing them right where the finds are, more money is collected.


Something I kinda wish I’d known / considered more to begin with is to keep exhibits spaced out enough. It really helps with bugging issues and general path finding for people walking through / using active things, and if you make sure you leave a decent enough space between each thing (rather than making a cramped corner which is easily done…) you just get rid of loads of those bugging visitors from the get go and make it easier and to be honest, it looks smarter too.

Sutaware Shu's avatar

If i knew about this, i wont be poor and stuck at ranking in county XD


I really love Two Point Museum :D Great game! I wish, I knew this earlier, just figured it out on my third museum 🙈

Rich's avatar

Oooh, I had no idea 🤯 Great tip!

MagmaMelon's avatar

Here's my (first) submission! We should all be a little bit more creative if we feel like it... Demolishing walls are just the start!

Rich's avatar

Good tip, loving the Sonic and Shadow statues too! Congrats on your first submission and first prize, I hope it gives you the bug 😉 Welcome to Just!

Rich's avatar

Hi GoJapan. On this and several of your other recent submissions that haven't received prizes, the problem is that they've failed to hit the quality bar that we're looking for in member-submitted content. The essential test of that bar is whether other members of a game's community will find value in your submission.

In this case, for instance, you say you would want to know how to unlock new furnishings, but you don't say how, and your explanation of why is confusing and unclear in its wording. I'm sure you can see how this isn't helpful to others. It's also missing an image or video, which is clearly required in the description.

We don't just want members to do the bare minimum when entering rewards, but to create content that's actually valuable. We know it's tempting to submit to large numbers of rewards across many communities, but we encourage members to only submit to rewards when they know and care about the topic, and to take the time to make their content really good - this is the best way to win more rewards in the long term. For more, see the guidance in How it works.

Low-quality or low-effort content can be dispiriting for other members to see and therefore harmful to communities, so we encourage you to take this advice on board.

GoJapan's avatar

Most of the time Your Request is not clear, I know the Thought I Had Correctly Responded to the Request. There have been cases in which I committed myself and yet I was given participant. In any case I will see what I can do for the future rewards


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