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Video Games
Ford James's avatar

To kick things off, it's a mixture for me at the mo! I'm in Act 2 in Baldur's Gate 3 but haven't played for around a month, as Starfield took over, which was quickly replaced by Cyberpunk 2077 again with the Phantom Liberty launch. I'll be jumping into Forza Motorsport soon, but I'm also tempted to pick up EA Sports FC 24...

My main timesink right now is something that has taken up far too much of my time for the last year or so - Marvel Snap. If anyone else in the JA community plays, let me know! Would be down for some friendly battles to test out deck ideas - there's only so many times I can enter Proving Grounds with opponents who take the maximum time every turn!

Thomas's avatar

Armored Core VI! I absolutely love it, I'm currently in NG++. One cool thing about it is that more of the story is revealed on subsequent NG cycles, sometimes giving you the option to play missions from the opposite perspective. It's just an insanely fun game and a surprisingly good story considering it's mostly told through voice memos and radio dialogue.

Dave's avatar

I think it's going to be tricky to get a lot of engagement until the winter open for all stage of the roadmap happens, assuming that is still the time line and then there are more people here to engage with.

Alternatively until then maybe it needs to aim at gamepass/ps+ releases that have a bigger chance of being accessable. The new releases are not cheap so it's hard to keep up.

Boomer's avatar

That's an interesting point about broader and more accessible games while we're still in alpha.

Do you think the same is true of older games, as people love to reminisce and share their gaming history? I'm always interested in hearing about the first game that got you hooked!

Dave's avatar

I do get the feeling the audience here at the moment probably does lean towards the older crowd for whatever reason so "retro" topics could probably work as well. Define retro though lol. Personally to me its pre Playstation/the (mostly) 2d era as that's when everything changed but I guess you could go all the way up to and including ps3/360 era these days.

Most disappointing game ever was Rise of the robots so there is no need for that one! ha ha.

Boomer's avatar

"Retro" really does age you, doesn't it? 😅

My line does tend to match yours though. I grew up with the Amiga, so things like Bart vs the Space Mutants, Rainbow Islands, Silkworm, Elf, New Zealand Story, the Dizzy series are all peak gaming for me.

Rise of the Robots was definitely a flop. I'm not sure if I'm remembering properly, but didn't that come on about 10 floppy disks?

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Whereas I have never heard of any of the games on that list!

Boomer's avatar

I'm definitely showing my age here!

Where would you draw the line for modern vs retro gaming? Are there any older titles that stand out as forming your interest in gaming?

Wadd Enderas's avatar

My introduction to gaming was N64, PS1 and Gameboy Colour, all when I was really quite young - so Donkey Kong, Digimon, Goldeneye and the original Pokemons all stand out to me as formative games, but I have no idea where I'd draw the line for retro gaming...

Maybe we pop into somewhere like the Computerspielemuseum in Berlin and take their definition of retro :D

Boomer's avatar

Now that is a great lineup of games! original Pokemon will always hold a special place in my heart.

I've never been to Computerspielemuseum, but it looks really cool. There are a few places in the UK that have a similar purpose, like the National Video Game Arcade and the Retro Computing Museum.

There's a great podcast I would recommend that talks about game preservation and gaming history.

Thomas's avatar

I always view retro as two or more generations ago, which is quite upsetting to me now, as that would be 360/PS3/Wii. I think at that point game design standardised a bit and many games from that era are still relevant (i.e. Skyrim, GTA 5, Dark Souls), but I do think when you see 7th gen games running on their original hardware, they do look very old now.

Dave's avatar

Ah yeah amazing games, If I remember right Treasure Island Dizzy you had no lives so, the slightest mistake and you were dead. No saves, checkpoints or anything. In the UK there was obviously the massive home computer scene with c64, amiga, amstrad, spectrum and all the games that went with it. Now I have no Idea about mainland Europe but in the USA I get the impression it was all about the 8/16bit consoles and the home computer gaming scene didn't really exist to the same extent.

I had to live in the USA for a year in the late 80's when I was a child, our Acorn Electron was left at home and I very much remember all that was available was the NES or the Master System. At school there was one computer and it was this wierd looking (at the time) all in one Apple Macintosh thing. In the whole year I was never allowed on it even once so no idea what it could do.

Boomer's avatar

It's interesting how the early computer / gaming scenes evolved so differently.

I would have thought the cultural impact of Silicon Valley would have made home computing much more appealing to the US population of the time.

Organisations like the Raspberry Pi Foundation are doing incredible work making home computing accessible and low cost.

Dave's avatar

FFXIV is all I am playing pretty much and I don't see it changing any time soon (just signed up to a 6 month sub after I switched from the free trial to paid and my 45 days ran out). Hoping to have caught up with the MSQ in time for Dawntrail release in 2024.

Boomer's avatar

I've got The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom going on in the background, but my main thing is playing through the old Fallout games.

I'm currently half way through Fallout 2 (first play through) and they are a lot more fun than I thought.

Sure, games have come on a long way and quality of life improvements could be made, but it's so satisfying when the turn-based combat kicks in and the enemy fail to notice the Super Sledgehammer I'm carrying!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

When I'm not playing EVE Online I currently flick between; trying out DragonHeir: Silent Gods, Baldur's Gate 3 and Europa Universalis IV.

But I very much agree with Dave's comment that this community will really pick up and take off when the platforms opens to all. I will be doing my best to engage with the community as much as possible during that time to support it's growth!

Boomer's avatar

That's great! Everyone has been so supportive while we're still in alpha.

Common areas like Just About Video Games are so important as they'll help bring a range of communities together.

Ford James's avatar

How is DragonHeir: Silent Gods? It's cropped up as a suggestion a few times for me, but I haven't given it a go yet.

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I'll describe it as... pretty good. My feeling though is that after the ~10 hours I've put in so far its about to become very grind/farm heavy.

It seems to be a strange mix of BG3 and Raid Shadow Legends but after the initial intro it's becoming evident that the 'decision making' has no impact on the story and is just leaning much more towards Raid with a better storyline

Dave's avatar

Anyone else getting performance issues on this post?

Boomer's avatar

What has been happening for you? I can send a report to the tech team and ask them to take a look.

Dave's avatar

It seems to take ages to load and then while I am on the page it keeps scrolling itself up and sort of flickering to random bits of the page all the time.

Ford James's avatar

Yeah, it's having some issues for me too. I've flagged it with the dev team - they've said they'll look into it!

Ross's avatar

I'm currently jumping between Baldurs Gate 3 (Currently playing a teifling four elements monk), CS2 (I'm terrible at FPS but it's fun to jam with the homies) and slowly rekindling my love for Age of Empires (The game that iginited my passion for video gaming way back in the 90s)!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

FFXIV is my main game as it's been for the past years. Still going through FFXVI Final Fantasy mode, taking my time with that experimenting with abilities I'm less practiced in. And even though I'm not a huge fan of mobile games, FF7 Ever Crisis is surprisingly entertaining. Even sticking to the free option there's lots to do.


Alongside playing Starfield I've actually jumped back into Marvels Midnight Suns, think XCOM meets Marvel and your kind of there, really been enjoying the chilled gameplay loop and cheesey story!

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