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Video Games

Video Games
Lanah Tyra's avatar

FFXVI DLC just started on it and spent most of the time in photo mode, this will keep me entertained longer than the supposed 3 hrs😂

Boomer's avatar

Gotta love a good photo mode! 📸 So I take it you're good and ready for future screenshot bounties, right?😁

I think Ghost of Tsushima is probably the one I've used the most time in, but I should probably spend a bit more time in the Cyberpunk one while I play Phantom Liberty.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Got 11 GB of screenshots from various FF games, will that be enough? :D If not then I can throw in an additional 5 GB very old but nostalgic Lineage II screenshots as well....

Scrbzy's avatar

Alan Wake 2! I got it as part of a promo with my new GPU, I haven't had the chance to play too much of it as I've been very busy with work.

What I've played so far has been great though, visually it's stunning and there's some really cool mechanics like the 'mind palace' that feel great to use.

Boomer's avatar

That's cool 🙂It was a long gap between 1 and 2. Did you play the original before jumping into Alan Wake 2, or does it make it clear what happened in the first?

Scrbzy's avatar

I didn't so I had to watch a quick recap of it just incase I was confused. From what I've read, you can actually get away with not playing the first but it's more enjoyable if you have.

To be honest after watching the recap video I'm likely to go back and play the original as well as Control (apparently it's set in the same universe?)

I really dig the setting and overall narrative of the series, it's a really dope but terrifying concept imo


If it came out in the current year, I'm not playing it 🤣 Then, I don't play a single game single mindedly but I tend to mix different games depending on the day and mood: last few days I've been mostly playing Mirror's Edge Catalyst, Beyond Blue and finished a first playthrough of GRIS earlier this week.

Boomer's avatar

Fair play! Feels like there are so many great games coming out that it's impossible to stay on top of them! 😅

How is Beyond Blue? It looks really peaceful and would be good for VR. Hopefully there's nothing too spooky down in the depths! 😆🌊


And the price tag of games coming out is just beyond my budgets, when, with a little patience, I can get "all of them" for the price of one.

On Beyond Blue, it's indeed peaceful and I'm quite enjoying it; it's less of a game as it's really about marine research, you're a marine researcher and you do marine research. For now, the most spooky thing I found was the giant squid appearing from the darkness. 🦑

Boomer's avatar

I think I'd jump out of my own skin! Still, that sounds really cool and I'll have to give it a go. Thanks for telling me about it! 🙂

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Right now we are pretty Minecraft/eve online centralised due to content reasons

But my go-to game to Relax is The Division 2 and deffo excited for Division 3 when it comes! I may disappear for a week!

Boomer's avatar

They feel like quite different games! Do you see a lot of crossover in the audience for these, or are you carefully serving more than one audience at a time?

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Well we have the team channel Eve Online Tutorials and then I have my channel FirestormCarnage - So we keep the content separate, I've made 6 months' worth of Minecraft content which we just started releasing. We will see how that one goes lol

Boomer's avatar

That's really cool! I love hearing how people approach their content strategies. I'm hoping we can encourage more people to share that sort of thing over in Just About Content Creators.

There used to be a weekly stream schedule that people contributed to, so it'd be great to see that come back. As we grow, I'm sure we'll get more people sharing tips organically, not just in response to bounties.

That mutual support network is so valuable when growing a channel!

Thomas's avatar

Last night on a whim I felt compelled to play Game Dev Story. I'd forgotten how addictive it is, especially considering all you really do is watch numbers go up. It felt like no time had passed until it was time for bed

Boomer's avatar

Oh let's not open the idle game can of worms. . .I hear Adventure Capitalist calling to me again 😅

You have just reminded me though. I installed Fallout Shelter on Steam before the Christmas meetup, so I should probably go let people back in the Vault! 😲

Dave's avatar

Fortnite for my multiplayer game covering zero build BR and Rocket Racing. Rocket racing is a really good pick up and play "just one more go' type of game. Quick short 2 minute races and you are into the next one fairly quickly also.

Single player story game I have just started RDR2 after having it sit in my steam library for years...


Been chilling out Playing Dungeons 4 on xbox, really good fun and if you enjoyed Dungeon Keeper back in the day you will enjoy this as its bit of a spiritual succesor with a few new twists!

KAZO+AR's avatar

At the moment i'm playing "Into the Breach", a turn-based strategy game comparable to a 2d isometric view Pacific Rim ! A lot of possibilities and different situations. 9/10 on Steam and available on switch you should definitely give it a go if you're a roguelikes fan and like to play chess (even better if you like cool Robots beating monsters)


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