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Video Games

Video Games

ok my go to game right now to relax is absolutely Dungeons 4. I absolutely love the nostalgic gameplay that harks back to the bullfrog classic Dungeon Keeper! It is super fun and relaxing to build out your dungeons underground lairs, mine for gold and diamonds, thenbrecruit monsters to your cause while upgrading your dungeons abilities skill tree! Also your regularly attacked by hero’s venturing down into your dungeon so you better build plenty of traps to defend your dungeon! Then once you’re ready, head up to the surface and slay those pesky humans and cover the earth in darkness!

Honestly it’s so chilled as the gameplay isn’t fast so it’s ideal to unwind and relax with this RTS God sim! This is a great game when you want to vegetate for a hours as each level usually takes about 30 mins to an hour minimum so there’s lots of time to be drained away playing this fab game! dungeons 4 is Available on all platforms (not sure about switch) and it’s on game pass too!

Samuel's avatar

Death Stranding Yeah, I know it seems like my entire video game collection is cut down to just 5 games, but Death Stranding is well and truly my go-to game to relax.

I mean, what is more relaxing than delivering parcels on foot through some of the most beautiful (and realistic, so no aurora borealis near the equator) scenery that has ever existed in a game, period?

I mean, just look at that view! Until of course, you have to trudge your way through BT territory... then it's either the most unique shooter.... or the worst horror.

To top it all off, I just love the fantastic songs that Hideo chose for the game - I even listen to some on a regular basis!

All in all, I absolutely love the serenity of the landscape, the nice and easy tasks of just walking from point A to B and taking it all in.

Jenna 's avatar

I have a few games that come to mind when I think of comfort games. One of the obvious would be minecraft. Then others like No Man’s Sky, Valheim and Grounded.

My favorite would definitely have to be Grounded. Grounded is a game sorta like minecraft, where you have endless possibilities to build whatever you can think of. Being a tiny human in a world filled with giant lady bugs, spiders and other insects is so interesting to me. Grounded is such a tiny game but feels massive as you’re playing. The atmosphere is so relaxing. The small sounds of the giant bugs. I know that sounds a little creepy, but I do find it relaxing lol. Hearing all that while building a new house and decorating it with furniture and whatnots is so calming. Grounded is definitely a top tier for me, and I recommend it to anyone who hasn’t played it!

Letitia Lemon's avatar

I find great comfort in any of the Pokemon games. I grew up with the franchise and lived through peak Pokemania so everything in my life was Pokemon and when I was finally old enough to play the games, I'd play them all anywhere and at any time. Because Pokemon is primarily on handheld consoles, I'd always associate the games with travelling- sitting in the back of my dad's car as he drives us on long road trips, sitting on a train going to university or work, chilling in a hotel room that has rubbish TV on; I even used to take the Pokewalker (a pedometer that connects with Heartgold and Soulsilver and raises Pokemon) with me to school by hiding it in my blazer pocket. It's a franchise that's easy to pick up and put down without leaving yourself feeling lost and confused and, sometimes, because of that comfort and familiarity, I just play one of the games when I'm mentally struggling just as a nice and cozy distraction. Pokemon will always be a happy place for me.

Sturmer's avatar

Throughout various stages of my life, many video games have had a soothing or restorative effect on my nerves. But one game has lasted for two decades – Eve Online. To some, this might sound strange – it's a complex game with an overwhelming UI, lots of numbers, countless activities, a full MMO sandbox, and no completely safe places. All of this might seem like a recipe for stress.

However, Eve can be played in many different ways. I've always managed to choose a path that felt comfortable at the moment. Tranquility comes from knowledge and experience, even in hostile space. I know the risks, what to expect, how to avoid trouble, or sometimes seek it for fun, even if it means dying in the end.

"Tranquility comes from knowledge and experience..."

I know many miners who find that mining asteroids brings peace to their minds, to the extent that it becomes an addiction, a clear indicator that the brain appreciates this activity. But remember, everything should remain at a healthy level!

avrona's avatar

The obvious choice is of course Minecraft, probably my go-to cosy game, though certainly less-so in recent years. However, recently my main relaxation game has probably been Anno 1800. While there's plenty of annoying micromanaging to do, overall it's such a chill experience that hits all the right notes for me.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So for this one, I am going to say Minecraft.


Being able to go into a huge open world that is untouched by human hands, a world that can be expressed in, can be shaped to how I want it to be, to build what I want, is the most relaxing thing. So when I see an area and I think, okay, this is going to be a cliffside house with rooms stretching back into the mountain, using the materials in creative to get what is in my mind, into reality, that, is the best thing. To then step back and see what you have created, the greatest thing ever.

Retro Stu's avatar

There's two I'd say, but one is definitely more of a constant for me, so I'll start with the secondary one which is Vampire Survivors. I got back into it while my mother in law was here for Christmas and it's just so easy to pick up and zone out on for a while. With so many weapons, characters and buffs there's plenty to keep it relatively fresh but I also know if I've only got 30 minutes to chill with then that's a perfect 30 minute pick up and play.

However, my main one has to be, and stay with me on this one, Hades. With nearly 700 hours in it, that game is pure muscle memory so I can go in and just rip it up and not have to think too hard about what I'm doing, leaving me to just zen out in the underworld. The artwork is gorgeous and as for the music, music is my go to for unwinding over anything else so Darren Korb's killer soundtrack for this just ticks all the boxes to help me unwind while ripping up the hordes of hell. Sure the game is bright and there's lots of flashing animations and things but hey, it soothes me!

Max Grauer's avatar

Suika Game (Watermelon Game). The Japanese game that became super popular a few months back. The music calming, the premise of the game is super simple and relaxing, yet it's still competitive.

Retro Stu's avatar

Not me racking up 25 hours over the course of a week or less on this!

Boomer's avatar

Hey, just a heads up that you might want to change your display name. Setting it as an email puts yourself and potentially other members at risk.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Surprisingly(?) for me it's FFXIV. The game has beautiful music and there are so many things to do which doesn't involve grabbing a weapon and killing monsters. Here are a few examples where I find solace after a crazy day at work when my introvert self says "it's too peopley outside"

My house:

Only have the garden finished, so that's what I can show you on a video. The music you hear is the music which plays in this housing area, I think it's one of the best soundtracks from the game.

I can show you some pictures of the inside which I'm still working on. Everything which is not from special vendors has been crafted by myself and I find it relaxing to sit in the house, listen to the ingame playlist I put together and decorate.

Island Sanctuary:

At the end of the current expansion you get your own tropical island, where you can capture animals which will adore you when you feed them, grow your vegetables, collect things which you use to upgrade the island buildings. Or you can just not care about the whole thing and jump into the sea or sit at your favourite spot and enjoy the view. Do I need to say more?

What to do if you were not lucky to get a house or you are not near the endgame yet?

Enjoy the beach at Costa Del Sol (this is where I spent 90% of lockdown...)

or a hot spring with a stunning view:

Scrbzy's avatar

Anything turn based is usually what I default to after a long day, however recently I’ve resorted to Jurassic Evolution 2. I grew up playing games like Rollercoaster Tycoon so perhaps there’s a nostalgia/comfort element to it? All I know is that I love building exciting parks with the coolest of dinosaurs! There’s something relaxing about building the perfect enclosure and watching your dinos happily plod along, of course there’s always the danger of them getting loose and killing all your guests…

Demonsmustdie's avatar

I like to play master duel, a yugioh game that is on all consoles and pc/android.

Either playing multiplayer or solo mode. Cheaper than buying packs as game free and earning cred/in game currency is simple to do.


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