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Video Games

Video Games
Samuel's avatar

Dwarf Fortress does look like a good little game I'd enjoy playing too! And the dev story is truly something else... Great call Schadsquatch

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Uhm... Alex Sinclair The photo you have for FFXII is actually from FF7 Remake ^^'

I'm sure it was a clever test if we are reading your post 😉

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Congratulations! You've won our secret spot-the-error bounty!

Jokes aside, thank you for keeping me on my toes. I blame the Roman numerals.

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Well handsome blond guy and fierce lady sidekick, you almost got it right. That could have been Balthier and Fran

Just Balthier is a lot cooler than Cloud (sorry I'm a Zack kind of girl) and not the main character of the game but the definitely he's hands down the best.

Sturmer's avatar

Minecraft! to test designs for shelters ;) OR even better - Valheim!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I love Valheim! I put so many hours into it in 2022.


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