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Video Games

Video Games
Philip's avatar

Safe Harbour

I'd enjoy an adventure game that was a realistic captain at the helm experience where you'd be sailing wooden ships and have to brave storms, navigate treacherous waters and battle pirates and sea monsters.

I'm imagining features where you get to hire crews in taverns with known and unknown levels of competence for sailing, fighting and loyalty.

You would be hired to transport goods, escort merchants, explore locations and take war to enemy factions in large scale battles as just one ship in a fleet.

The world would have lots of dangers and rewards. Atmospherics would play a big role in gameplay with visibility limited at night, in storms and fog. Plus storms and battles would have real nice sound effects.

Also the physics engine would have sailors stumbling and falling overboard in rough seas.

On board the ship you'd be able to delegate tasks to different sailors and take over wherever you see fit in emergencies - with the helm, cannons and rigging all being available options.


We've seen video games with cats (Stray), dolphins (Ecco), and even looked after our little Nintendogs... but what about turtles?

Turtles deserve the spotlight, not just because they're adorable, but because their habitat has continued to decline. Their homes are threatened by the continued development of coastal areas, invasive and foreign species, human recreation, and the rising sea levels.

My video game wish takes the form of being a turtle, viewing the world similar to the scale of Grounded (small kid in bug-size surviving the wilds of your back yard). I would imagine it would take place on coastal areas, with access to the ocean or waterways, with emphasis on the dangers our little turtle pal will face -e.g. hotel resort expanding into our little home, oil spills causing baddies to relocate and take our little turtle pal's home, or sneaky birds trying to take our little baby turtles!

Anyhow, the question is whether we should be a turtle on four legs, or an upright turtle standing on two legs (like ninja turtles, the old school ones not the weird new design). It's important to decide, because if we're on two legs standing up -- should we have 3d platforming elements to overcome in order to traverse the storm drains of Melbourne in order to find our way back home (or find our mate)?

There's many different avenues we can take it, but an emphasis should be placed on the present dangers that turtles are facing and the fatal consequence of extinction. Heck, we could make it a turtle going through existential dread due to the realisation of very sudden extinction... or is that too close to home?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Well this is a delightful idea. How about a turtle that's on four legs when it's getting attacked who can then stand up when it needs to do some platforming? As for your final question, I don't think it needs to be too close to the bone if it's done right. Games can be enjoyable and still have a difficult message if they're executed well.

Rich's avatar

Excellent solution to the two- or four-legs quandary. And a lovely game idea - no scene in any given nature documentary gets me like the sight of a hundred baby turtles pulling themselves down the beach to the ocean <3

Sturmer's avatar

What if we mix the dark, twisted universe of the Hannibal TV series, you know, the one with Mads Mikkelsen, with a dating sim? No, I'm not crazy, hold on and hear me out. The game, let's call it "Hannibal's Gambit", would be this wild ride through stories of culinary excellence, romance, and mind games.

Key components:

  1. Character Dynamics: Players navigate the complex relationships between characters from the TV series, each with their own hidden motives and dark secrets. The game's focus is on building connections, understanding characters, and uncovering hidden truths.

  2. Culinary Challenges: True to Hannibal's love for gastronomy, the game includes cooking challenges where players must create exquisite dishes, balancing taste and presentation, to impress potential love interests and allies.

  3. Psychological Depth: The game delves deep into the psychological aspects of each character, offering a narrative that's rich in suspense and moral ambiguity. Players must make choices that affect their relationships and the story's direction.

  4. Visuals and Style: Think elegance, think class. The game would mimic the TV series' vibe – very artsy, very atmospheric. Every scene would be like stepping into a piece of art.

  5. Plot Twists: Classic love story? Nope. It's all about navigating through this web of intrigue and deception. Who do you trust? Who do you betray? And most importantly, how do you keep your head in the game? Each decision impacts the unfolding of the plot, leading to multiple endings. inline(1483x775):

It's not just another dating sim; it's a psychological thriller that lets you step into a world of romance, danger, complexities of human relationships, and haute cuisine. Who wouldn't want to play that? :)

Paul's avatar

I would love a game with a Metro 2033 post apocalyptic vibe but built in the same way as Red Dead Redemption 2. The cinimatics, characters and world building in Red Dead Redemption 2 is close to perfection and could transfer well to a post apocalyptic setting. This game would also have the light survival mechanics of Days Gone and Red Dead Redemption 2 so you do not have to worry about eating or drinking every 10 minutes but can choose to use motor transport or horses, maintaining them accordingly. The danger of a dead world mixed with the calm and serenity of a not yet populated America would keep the gameplay fresh but never completely safe.

I feel this game would be better single player as the isolation adds to the experience and atmosphere however having a group to help the narative is still essential as those relationships help create motivation and story.

A guy can dream

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I would like a game that combines Tarkov, Dayz, Fortnite, and Minecraft, along these lines, now, hear me out, I will try to be as detailed as possible.

So let's look at the idea behind this new game.

The basic idea of the game would be the ability to head underground and mine basic materials to make certain items, combine this with the ability to knock down trees, dig up the earth, and replace the earth/stone where you want to place it.

This could then be centered on solo player servers to "survive" but also team "servers" for people to work together to survive, of course, would need varying difficulties that either ramp up with the number of players to tone down, with fewer players online, so this would a "live" ability to make the game playable.

The Zombies I think would have to be taken from games like Dayz and movies like World War Z where sound itself can alert zombies to your presence and cause different reactions in the zombies depending on the zombie's "level" - Such as World War Z zombies were stupid fast and no wall was high enough without decent defense and water would be a natural barrier and the ability to create these kinds of obstacles to help the team or solo players survive.

The ability to create weapons must come in the form of items gathered, so my idea would be no "dropped" weapons or "loot" caches. Everything must be farmed and tool benches need to be used to create weapons/goods/barriers/tools etc.

This would force, for lack of a better term, players who work in teams to farm wider and wider areas, obviously the drop rates would need to be increased/decreased depending on the number of players involved and online, as I said before, the server would need to recognize how many players were online and adapt accordingly.

In terms of PvP servers, these would be purely about clearing the map of Zombies and enemy players, but things like treaties and clans could be built on the maps themselves, unlike other games, I would prefer personally that there were around 5-10 pre-designed maps that players are randomly assigned to when seeking PvP Maps. I think it would be funny as hell to build a base and to have enemies tunnel underneath you and come up in your base if you don't take the proper precautions. But, this being said, if a "group" or "clan" is not online, the base should not be attackable or lootable. I've never liked that idea.

Now with "transport", vehicles such as Jeeps or Helicopters, should be found, half destroyed that need materials to get them operational, HOWEVER, this being said, these materials must NOT be easy to obtain or "farmable" in certain locations on the map, the spawn has to be random and only there for a certain period before it moves to another location and spawns there.

This is a game that can be fought in caves, underground, and in sky-high structures, the player's imagination is what makes the game run, alongside the zombie "apocalypse". Players can be fighting in caves and get overrun by a "herd" of zombies or choose to fight together and survive, separate and live to fight another day or betray each other, players can be working together to secure the map, when the last zombie is "killed", essentially completing the map and then "rebuilding" society or, the adventure ends.

There can be a back story as to what happened that caused the world to come to this state but when I say "maps" I mean "massive" maps, where players need to plan expeditions, food, and supplies before going elsewhere, like in Minecraft, you need food to survive long journeys, weapons that decay when used, etc.

Anyway, this is my idea for a decent Zombie survival game.

Feel free to poke holes in it :P

Alex Sinclair's avatar

I have no holes to poke. I'd totally play this and I suspect a lot of other people would too. My dream game to develop would also be a zombie game. But I'm imagining one on a remote British island like the Isles of Scilly, and you're just one person alone with what you can scavenge.

At the top of the screen, you'd have a zombie headcount, and your objective is simple: kill them all. However, you're no action hero - each zombie represents a serious threat, and you've got to plan out every kill and make sure you're not off guard. I imagine it ending with a dramatic endgame mode where a cruise ship full of zombies crashes on the island, and you just see the zombie headcount zoom up from zero to 5,000 as the island is flooded.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Yeh, that would be great, just when you or your team think you have finished and cleared the zone, a ship crashes as you said, maybe a cruise liner or military ship, and boom "oh shit" time, time to get to work fellas!

Alex Sinclair's avatar

And out stumble a giant horde of zombies in Hawaiian t-shirts still with pina coladas in their rotten hands. Shall we combine ideas and go into game dev together?

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Hell yeh, I think we could make a real game people would play, of course I have zero clue how any of that works but I'd be up for it :P

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Haha yeah I couldn't code a game of pong. We may need a little technical expertise before we become the next The Day Before

Dave's avatar

Nice, this one should be a good read.

Teddy's avatar

I feel like someone should make a game about being a fairy, flying and stuff. We need more fairies, (but in a horror game)

Nicole's avatar

Are you a fairy or are the fairies the monsters? Or both?!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

I don't have the time now to write a lengthy submission to this one, and all the entries are already very good ones, so just a quick reply from me this time: someone give me Stargate mmo. With different factions to play so I could be a goa'uld system lord :D


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