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Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Nope, buy the game or subscribe to it, grind it out, move on :)

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ll always boot up an NG+ to wail on the enemies who gave me a hard time first starting out. Typically that payback wears out fast though and I’m not likely to finish it again unless it’s a Resident Evil game.

Dave's avatar

If I think back to my teenage years I do remember playing the original resident evil 1 and 2 over and over again back then on the PS1.

Horror and Cats's avatar

NG+ is a somewhat new addition for RE titles. I think the first one to have a proper NG+ mode was RE4 and I have what has to be a dozen nested new games on my Game Cube. Most of them have certain rewards you can unlock for subsequent new games, but I believe only RE4/5 and Village have a full and proper NG+ mode. But even still, RE is my favorite series and I'll replay them NG+ or no!

Dave's avatar

Yeah, resi 1 did have the cool replayability of choosing to be the master of unlocking, then playing again as Chris and getting a bit of a different story and some different rooms/scenes etc. (Obviously I know you now this and I'm not suggesting you don't, just remembering the fun times had).

One thing to remember also I guess though is games back then were much shorter. Replaying something 6-8 hours long is a whole different thing to replaying something that's 60 hours long.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Oh for sure. Plus survival horror games have always had speed run rewards which encourage replaying and practice.

Damien Mason's avatar

I feel this is a mixed answer for me. Largely, I'd move on from a game and play NG+ only after coming back for a second run years later. Usually, there isn't too much to motivate me to return immediately.

Most developers I've seen just lean into the title of NG+ without giving much reason to dive back in. Games need more rewards to motivate a second playthrough. It's not good enough to just allow you to keep all your stats you earned because you just sail through the story again for... what? It's also not enough to just allow late-game cosmetics from the beginning either (although this is still important).

I prefer it when a game gives you items or things that change how you play the game entirely. A good example of this is Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. You can earn so many things, like a tranq gun with unlimited bullets or an item that makes you completely invisible upon meeting certain conditions on a previous playthrough. It makes the second, third, or fourth run that much more engaging.

Don't just make it the same game again, but everything's unlocked; that's boring.

Thomas's avatar

It depends on the game. With Armored Core, the game was so fun and there was a tonne more to see in NG+ that it was a no brainer. If the game doesn't offer much reason to do NG+ then I normally won't unless I just really enjoy playing the game

Sturmer's avatar

i just realized not many games on my path have that option. In games like BG3 you simply start a new game and play it differently. I like to play games in weird modes, like pushing myself and gamedesign to the limits.

Paul's avatar

No, Once the game is over I move on. I might come back to it later but by then I would just start again.

legs0fmetal's avatar

I am a completionist through and through , but that is mostly for RPG and open worlds. Not so much for games that don't have good story or game lore.


I dont generally, being short of time if i make it through a game which really captures my attention after i finish im usually done, i dont have the attention span or patience to go back through a game again usually! I can see the appeal though, just not for me so far!


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