To celebrate the release of Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth, we're taking a moment to salute one of the most infamously impractical weapons in all of gaming. Yes, Soulcalibur had a few blades that might give the Buster Sword - or Sephiroth's Masamune, come to that - a run for its money, but few weapons are so notoriously, gloriously impractical than Cloud's.
So what would we have you do about this absurd weapon? Make it even more absurd, of course.
Even if you don't know Final Fantasy VII, you can definitely look at the large chunk of metal in the header image and make some suggestions to make it even less useful as a weapon. The most absurd and hilarious suggestions win. You'll receive bonus points if you create an image or illustration that highlights your new design.
There's no minimum word count for this bounty, but fuller descriptions will increase your chances of winning a prize.
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$18 / 24
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