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Video Games

General Shepherd in COD4, dare I say more. It still brings a tear to my eye now!

Damien Mason's avatar

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty

I could've said pretty much any MGS here, but I think MGS2 particularly takes the cake. First, Hideo Kojima played us with the marketing, making out as though Solid Snake was the main playable character in marketing. Jokes on you; that's just the intro. The main game takes place with Raiden in the driver's seat, and he's the polar opposite of what you'd expect.

Then, there's the story.

Sturmer's avatar


Engage your imagination for this one, and I promise it's worth it!

Imagine being a kid in 1986. It’s late evening, and after about 8 hours of gameplay and numerous attempts, you’ve finally beaten the final boss in "Metroid". As you watch the end cutscene, you discover that the bounty hunter Samus Aran, whom you’ve been playing as, is actually a woman! With no internet to share this shocking revelation, you rush downstairs, pick up the phone, and excitedly call your best friend to spread the news. Later, as you lie in bed trying to sleep, you close your eyes and picture how tomorrow at school you’ll share this incredible discovery with your classmates.

This isn’t my personal story, as I was only 2 years old at that time. But I truly believe it represents one of the biggest and most memorable surprises in video game history. The revelation about Samus Aran in "Metroid" was a monumental moment, possibly the greatest 'rug pull' the gaming world has ever experienced.

FrostySomething's avatar

The one that immediately leapt out at me was from Arkham Asylum…


oftentime you can expect a twist towards the end of a film or game that will genuinly suprise you.

but im going with the right off the bat suprise.

Last of us part 1. Joels daughters death. was so unexpected at the start of a game and very gut wrenching.


Star Wars: KoTOR still jumps out at me for this.

Spoiler warning. But if you haven't played through this game yet as a star wars fan, what are you doing?!

I think the twist of Darth Malak capturing your character, only to then reveal your character is in fact none other than Darth Revan, is a great rug pull moment! To this day may favourite star wars game, despite the quality of the 2 Jedi games released over the past few years.

I cannot wait for the remaster of this game and will 100% be pre ordering to experience it again!

Paul's avatar

This isnt a huge plot change but was definitely a rug pull or me.

In Reddead Redemption 2 you rescue a gang member call Sean. Aurther seems Irritated by him at first but you soon realise Sean is like an annoying younger brother to Auther. You see the relationship and how Aurther really cares for him.

If you haven't played RDR2 I urge you to do so, its an amazing game with an outstanding story.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night just inverting the entire castle you’ve been exploring for hours and saying “you’re actually only HALFway done with the game” is a massive rug pull.

Tala's avatar

With all the hype around Dragon's Dogma 2 right now I'd actually like to talk about the first game Dragon's Dogma...

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

So, I think this counts.. This was a "dev blog" released by CCP....

This fooled the entire playerbase for about 24 hours until people actually looked at it and the date..

Work on Revelations 2 is underway, and I have been asked to discuss the latest changes that will be making it in. While this new expansion will be bringing a host of new features, we continue working on improving existing gameplay and ironing out those pesky bugs.

One of these features that has undergone a complete rework is the death penalty and the associated hurdles that come with it. While EVE has been known for its harsh death penalty – loved by some, hated by others – we feel the time has come for it to change. The idea is to level the playground to be more in line with the other MMO offerings and giving EVE a broader market appeal.

As a first step to help bring EVE to a larger audience, and for their enjoyment as well as yours, both cloning and ship insurance services will be upgraded.

New Clone System

The first implementation is a new advanced clone type. We call them “Generic Hosts for Optimal Secure Transport”, a bit of a mouthful but we like that here. Essentially this is a one off purchase clone that will exist in all stations. When you suffer a pod death, your brain gets zipped off to the nearest station and put in your new clone with no skill point loss, the clone immediately being replaced free of charge. An advanced feature of this clone is that it maps all implants in your head at time of death and rebuilds them in your new clone body.

New Insurance System

The second implementation is an upgraded insurance system from our good friends, Pend Insurance. There will now only be two types of insurance, “Common” and “Epic”.

Common Insurance does away with the annoyance of having to go out and buy a new ship, instead your ship will automatically be replaced by your friendly insurance company with a brand new model at the station you are revived in.

Epic insurance on the other hand, as well as replacing your ship also replaces all modules and cargo as well as fitting them on your ship (There will sometimes be slight damage to the modules being replaced due to their inferior quality). This does however, cost slightly more than the common insurance.

This not only improves play experience by saving you time, it also removes an another ISK faucet, helping us keep market inflation in check; it’s really a win-win situation!

Low Sec getting you down?

Hand in hand with these new systems comes a welcome addition for our less combat orientated player base. A new contract can be purchased from CONCORD much like you purchase your insurance currently, what this does is give you CONCORD protection in low security space. We find that the harsh realities of low sec are turning many players away and with this new contract in place, they can travel as freely as they do in high sec space. This should help solve the problem of populating low security space.

Im sure you will welcome these changes, the first of many, and wish you a safer, better EVE in the future.

Hope this is valid submission, if not, let me know and ill get to my library of funny stuff :) Rich

Rich's avatar

Looks legit in my book! Wow, I bet that upset some folks.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Nah the Eve Community loves a good joke and tbh, I have always said to new players, you want to play Eve? get a thick skin because as much as the community is super helpful, they are not tame!

Makster's avatar

Bioshock and three words: Would you Kindly?I still think about this constantly as a game that understood the standard mission- reward format, understood our perspective as a player, and even more so, understood language as a basis of asking requests tying in together the overall themes of the game.

Honestly I wish I could go back and have a blind playthrough of that game again

Sturmer's avatar

That's a great list! I missed most of these moments before, as they weren't mentioned in the articles I've read previously.


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