To quote Mary Poppins: "in every job that must be done there is an element of fun. You find the fun and, snap! The job's a game!" She then undercut her own point by giving the Banks children magic powers - I'd clean my room too, amirite - but the sentiment was prescient: 'gamification' has since been coined as a term to make us do useful things by turning them into games.
We want you to do just that and find the fun in life's boring activities. Add rules and mechanics from all your time spent gaming to find the fun. Sitting in traffic is our prime example, but if that's too tough, any other boring task will do! Grocery shopping, queueing at the post office (fun in itself, to be fair), cleaning the house, and so on.
Your written or video entry needs to specify the activity, the rules of your game, and if applicable, any ways of winning/losing/scoring points. You can use props and tools if you're likely to have them with you in your particular situation. The ten best submissions get $4 apiece!
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$40 / 40
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