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Video Games

Video Games
Wings's avatar

This is super interesting. Are you planning any kind of digital or in-person demos?

Horror and Cats's avatar

Hey that looks great! Will you have controller/Steam Deck support? This looks like exactly the kind of thing I'd dust off the Deck for to hangout on the couch with the dogs.

Edit: Just checked, has controller support and Steam is "learning about this game." I imagine if it supports controllers it'll work. Nice!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

I love the idea of investing in a 401K while my turrets shoot drones

Konquest's avatar

Looks really good! I love the artstyle


Looks interesting, hope the release goes well.


congrats! Looks cool! Can you place turrets outside the 4 tiles in the centre?


Yes, you can place turrets or vegals anywhere.


ohhh nice! duno why but i just love placing turrets in videogames, think it stems from way back in the day playing Future Cop LAPD on PS1!


Future Cop looks great, thanks for sharing! I've been in a 5th/6th gen mood lately, so might have to check that out. Looks like MechAssault meets Doom.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Not to shabby this, read this article n such yesterday but then promptly got drunk and fell asleep on the sofa xD


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