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Video Games
Makster's avatar

was Mario kart on the game boy? I thought it was only on the Advance

MargotCandy's avatar

yeah I mean any game boy edition is ok to chat about 😅 I was trying to think of more original games. I guess I could include Kirby instead. That was a stand out game for me too.

Damo's avatar

That’s correct, but OP did say they were considering all gameboy iterations.

Although I would love to have seen a pixel, lcd screen version of Super Mario Kart. That would be…. Interesting

Damo's avatar

And the morning started so well. I feel old!

Here is mine on display. I got it at Christmas when I was 9 or 10, so 31 years ago and it still works.

Maybe to celebrate its birthday I will finally complete Super Mario Land!

MargotCandy's avatar

I didn’t keep mine but I just spoke to my mum about it. I may have been 5/6 years old when I got it.

Damo's avatar

One of our great stories was around the gameboy. My brother and I both had a gameboy color. It was 2000, I was 16 and he was 15. Mum had just abandoned us and run off with another man, so we were looking to rid ourselves of things she’d bought us.

We were in a games shop and we were looking to get rid of his jungle green Nintendo 64, with rainbow 6, diddy Kong racing and Mario 64. The guys eyes lit up when he saw it but tried to low ball us, so my brother turned him down.

Just as we were leaving the guy asked us if we liked Pokemon. Obviously we did. He said he had the new Pokemon Gold and Silver, that weren’t due to be released for another couple of weeks. If we wanted we could have a copy of each as a swap for the N64.

Since I had absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain, and I was the older brother, I managed to convince him to make the trade “Mum bought you that anyway, so getting rid of it means you won’t need to look at it anymore. Plus it will serve her right”

it worked, and we had so many hours of enjoyment from Gold and Silver. Still my favourite Pokemon series to date, with the added day and night cycle and just enough complexity to make it interesting.

25 years later and my brother brings it up every time a new gadget or console comes out, or any time he needs a favour!

MargotCandy's avatar

wow what a story! I love the memories gaming holds especially in those pivotal growing up moments. I’m sorry you had to go through that but it also sounds like you managed to turn it into something positive in the long run.

Damo's avatar

It’s all good. My brother and I are very close. We also get along with our mum these days, so there’s no lasting resentment. It probably helps that we managed to both be successful in later life. Things could very easily have gone the other way so I’m grateful for everyone and everything around me, both good and bad that got us where we are.

But that’s a story with beers and wine and a different group. Back on topic of gameboys and gaming memories I agree.

The other big gaming story of our lives involved a shared PS2, GTA 3, and the day I realised that my little brother could beat me up if he wanted to.

Paul's avatar

I forgot I was born the same year the gameboy was released lol.

I had a game boy colour, given to me by my mum as an early Christmas present because I wouldnt stop saying I was board 😂.

Zelda Links Awakening and star wars were the first games I owned and I got pokemon blue that Christmas.

Im actually getting back in to it with a game boy advance original. Looking at getting a back lit screen for it and a few fan made games.

Thomas's avatar

I was a Game Gear kid so at the time viewed the Game Boy with a fair amount of disdain. As a kid for some reason the game I found myself playing the most often when I did come across a Game Boy was Bart's Nightmare and I absolutely hated it and found it so confusing!

I hold the Game Boy in much higher regard now, and I think that version of Tetris is still the best one, and it still holds up today. I'd love to play one of the original Pokémon games some day but I'm not sure when I'd ever get round to it

MargotCandy's avatar

yeah the backlog issue is real. I probably own too many games to ever complete but maybe I can at least start all games one day 😅

Makster's avatar

I had absolute heartbreak when I found Sonic on GameGear at a car boot sale and convincing my dad to buy it for me. Only to get back home to realise the GameGear games don't fit the GameBoy Slots..

Thomas's avatar

God, that sounds absolutely devastating!

Wadd Enderas's avatar

Pokemon Gold on the Gameboy Colour for me. I was just (really just) too young to pick up the first iterations of the Pokemon games and so Gold was where handheld devices started for me. I spent an awwful lot of time in the back of a car at that age and so Pokemon featured pretty heavily early on.

MargotCandy's avatar

I used to get car sick so couldn’t play in the car. I just slept and sometimes still do if I’m a passenger. I had Pokémon silver as well so I understand the nostalgia there as well.

Makster's avatar

It was the arguments with my mum that makes me laugh. Her saying it was time for bed, and my sister and I's replies 'that we can't save because we were in a battle'. Looking back at it, it makes me wonder if my mum ever understood what we meant by that..

Makster's avatar

Absolute peak for me was Pokemon Gold too. Two stand out features for me were:

  • Real time clock where Pokemon and events happened at certain times and days. Felt like a real lived in world sorta like Animal Crossing

  • The fact you could go back to Kanto as well and experience almost a New Game+.

Honestly it was everything a sequel should be in a game. Building on the previous generation but keeping the core components the same

Damo's avatar

Completing the game and then finding out the entire Kanto region was opened up , and in colour was an amazing moment in my young gaming life.

Sturmer's avatar

Unbelievable, but I have never ever held one in my hands =(

MargotCandy's avatar

none of the Gameboy iterations? Maybe there is a retro gaming night near you somewhere where you could. I remember the original being so heavy for a little kid to hold with the 4 double A batteries inside. My parents used to joke that it will help me get strong holding it.

Sturmer's avatar

none hehe, I was a pc gamer in that era


so cool this thing is still going strong today! I had a green gameboy pocket I got as a kid lol I actually got it from opening up a kids super saver bank account! They don’t seem to do cool gifts like this anymore!

Loved it, played a lot of Tetris on it! Unfortunately I sold it, wish I didn’t, will try and get my hands on the same model in the future!

Retro Stu's avatar

My Game Boy collection was quite the spectacle but I decided to downsize it a while back. Here it is at it's peak though:

MargotCandy's avatar

this is incredible. Do you have a favourite game and Gameboy convo in that pic?


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