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Video Games
Sturmer's avatar

One concern is the budget. Hiring famous Hollywood stars for voice acting can be pricey, and I'm not convinced it adds practical benefits beyond what professional voice actors offer. The exception might be Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand in Cyberpunk 2077, which involved a significant marketing campaign and his recognizable likeness. If there are spare $$$ in a video game budget, I’d recommend using them to polish the game before its final release or to develop additional locations and quests.

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’m a huge fan of the Supermassive Games library (Until Dawn, The Quarry, The Dark Pictures Anthology) and having the fully mo-capped faces along with the voices of recognizable people really leans into the “interactive movie” format.

Voice actors do the same things, but typically, especially in the Resident Evil games of late, the faces are of models and mapped to the actors’ faces. I don’t really see an issue with either practice, honestly.

It is odd that MGSV shelled out for a Hollywood actor for a VERY limited amount of voice acting and not using the likeness of that actor, especially considering David Hayter was replaced because Kojima wanted to go in a “new direction” and not for any conflict-related reason.

MargotCandy's avatar

I remember playing LA Noir and recognising loads of different actors in it and I liked that element. I don't keep up to date with which actor is doing which video game, so for me it broke some sort of wall and added to my enjoyment of playing a game and recognising someone.

However I do agree with what has been mentioned already, that hiring Hollywood actors who may not be great voice actors (or maybe are) is expensive and budgets may be able to be used somewhere else.

While I enjoyed recognising faces and voices in video games, I also don't look for it and it definitely does not affect my decision making of what I will play next, so I do wonder if there are people for whom knowing that Keanu Reeves does a cameo or role, means they will play the game over another one. There must be some sort of analytics for this.


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