Yes, we know - is there anyone out there at this point who hasn't played Minecraft? Shockingly the answer is yes, and at this point, there must be a reason. One of those reasons is probably intimidation and a sense of uncertainty about what, apart from play around with bricks, you're actually supposed to... do?
So let's help smooth the on-ramp to the best-selling game of all time by gathering some top tips for first-time Minecraft players. Tell us everything from what separates the different game modes to how to survive the very first night to exploration, building, the Nether, multiplayer servers, enchantments, combat, mining... the list goes on.
Anything that someone might appreciate knowing when first booting up the game is eligible. 20 of the best tips will be eligible for $2 each!
PS: Wondering what the deal is with these IP-specific bounties? Click here.
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