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Video Games

Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

I never actually owned a Dreamcast, so I would say the same as you really, it was the one console I wanted but never had, my friends had them, a few of them so I did get to play them.

Sturmer's avatar

I always dreamed of owning 16-bit consoles like the Super NES or Mega Drive, but I never got one. Instead, I had the opportunity to use an i486 at my mom's work and instantly fell in love with PC. Shell commands, Digital Painting, and coding my programs on Pascal and Basic - that was much more fun than sitting with a controller in front of a TV.

Thirty-five years later, I still prefer PC gaming over consoles.

Konquest's avatar

for me it was the Sega Saturn. I never did get it. Growing up I did eventually get to own a Super Nintendo and that was the only console I ever owned. I’ve played Xboxes and PlayStations at friend’s places but the majority of my gaming experiences are PC up till today.

TNTpenguin's avatar

For me it was the Wii U. I was a big Wii kid getting every game I could via blockbuster and once I heard there was a new Wii console I needed it. But then in Christmas of 2015 I got my PS4 that I still use to this day. It wasn't what I asked for but my god was it better.

Dave's avatar

I always liked the look of the CDi when seeing screenshots in magazines and them on demo in Dixons or Tandy. I know they were rubbish games but they had Mad Dog McCree and loads of other FMV games which just looked really amazing at the time. Obviously non of them were good games though.

I did have the Dreamcast and it was a brilliant console with some amazing games on it. Metropolis street racer, Shenmue, Crazy Taxi, house of the dead, bass fishing, so many top quality arcade ports from the heyday of the Sega arcades.

Georgina_Herdman's avatar

The PlayStation Portable- but after losing several Nintendo Gameboy’s Advance’s and DS’s there was no way mum would fork out for a PSP


I wish I had an Xbox 360 when I was a kid. I was always a Playstation kid growing up, still am, but I missed out on so many amazing Xbox exclusives. Hoping to get an Xbox Series X sometime in the future.


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