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Video Games
Alex Sinclair's avatar

Here's an alignment table template that you can use (though feel free to make your own) complete with Just About's colours. If you download it straight from Just About, you'll likely have to convert the file type, so we suggest enlarging it and then taking a screenshot instead.

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Just an FYI here as I am about to do this bounty, just remember, you can also, right-click ANY image on the internet and hit "copy image" go to Paint, and paste it is and simply crop it down to size :)

AirGaram's avatar

lawful good : N, A neutral party that just want to help the pokemon

neutral good : Guzma, not inherently evil, he just dont like people

chaotic good : Archie and Maxie, in the games they either help thwart the other or try to destroy the region

lawful neutral : Chairman Rose, just want to solve a crisis of the world and instead unleashes a pokemon that once almost destroyed the region

true neutral : Lysandre, works for the better of kalos but wants to destroy the world

chaotic neutral : Cyrus, Wants to destroy the world then recreate the world

lawful evil : Lusamine, discards her children in Pokémon SM, wants to protect them in Pokémon USUM

neutral evil : Giovanni, A mafia boss that just want global domination, once beaten he discards his goals and disbands

chaotic evil : Ghetsis : literally brainwashes a child to complete his goals

Horror and Cats's avatar

Alignment Table: Resident Evil Edition.

Edit: expanded Twitter embed for eligibility.

Jill Valentine will always do the right thing and help a person in need.

Leon S. Kennedy is one of the good guys, but his cocky attitude and naivety have gotten him into trouble.

Billy Coen is a good man, but has run afoul of the law.

Alexander Kozachenko is a freedom fighter who will partner with the devil to save his home country, as well as battle angels if they stand in his way.

Ada Wong is a mercenary of the highest order.

Moira Burton is an angry teen and her entry is special, because the chaos comes from player decisions.

Albert Wesker is hell bent on world domination and the replacement of the human race by a "better" race of beings.

Mother Miranda lost her child and will stop at nothing to bring her back, stepping on friend and foe alike.

Derek Simmons simply put is an evil **** because being evil is fun.

Sturmer's avatar

I want to play a game. Before you is a D&D alignment chart, but this time, all 9 options are Chaotic Evil. You must choose one, each representing a different facet of chaos and malevolence. Will you embrace madness, revel in destruction, or manipulate through anarchy? Choose wisely, for your chaotic path will determine your fate. The game begins now.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Kane Carnifex I do not 'member! What game is this?

Also, it looks like your Insta account isn't connected to JA. We'll need you to link it before the bounty closes if you're going to win a prize. o7

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Relinked it.

Was on the Super Nitendo and you could play it with up to 3 people :) There is a remake on Steam <3

Fras_Shoyo's avatar

Alignment Table: Final Fantasy VII Remake

Lawful good : Barret Wallace, who fights for the planet’s future while adhering to his own moral code.

Neutral good : Aerith Gainsborough, She is kind-hearted, altruistic, and helps others according to her own moral compass, rather than any particular law or code.

Chaotic good : Tifa Lockhart, who is willing to fight against any odds for the greater good.

Lawful neutral : Rufus Shinra, who follows the corporate laws of Shinra

True neutral : Red XIII, who seeks his own path and balance.

Chaotic neutral : Yuffie Kisaragi, who is self-serving and acts on her own interests.

Lawful evil : President Shinra, who maintains order for control and power.

Neutral evil : Don Corneo, who uses his position to exploit others.

Chaotic evil : Sephiroth, who follows his own twisted desires.

Sinclair's avatar

Valorant Agents & their users are CHAOTIC ! here's why

  • Lawful Good (Gekko) : i mean its just him, and his companion! want to help his teammate no matter what (Wingman is cute tbh)

  • Neutral Good (Killjoy) : Our Germany Technician, Killjoy! shes sweet, helping people with her robot & nothing else. her users are chill on the servers!

  • Chaotic Good (Clove) : NEWEST AND MOST GEN-Z AGENTS YET. Lore wise They are Immortals and just love being on chaotic situation, like their voicelines if facing enemies agent called Fade "Fade's mind games are no match for my secret weapon: ibuprofen."

  • Lawful Neutral (Astra) : SHES CHILL, MORE CHILL THAN KILLJOY FR. Lorewise, shes guardian of Astral things. Player base wise : Her Players just chilling while placing smokes / stuns

  • True Neutral (Skye) : another agent with companions, shes have 3 companions : Trailblazer (Dog), her Bird also who-can flash teammate enemy, also the J E L L Y F I S H who can find enemies, Shes from Aussie and just chilling being Forrest Queen before they burned down her kingdom. player wise, she also can heal whole team also can try to seek info with her abilites.

  • Chaotic Neutral (Phoenix) : Bri'ish Boy who just clumsy, like their player also being clumsy. as a duelist agent, hes quite powerfull with their abilities. player-wise : Chaotic af

  • Lawful Evil (Jett) : Our Korean assassins, Jett. Lore-wise shes VERY strong especially with her so-called Kunai Knife when doing Ultimate. Playerwise : ARROGANT af (pls dont hate me)

  • Neutral Evil (Reyna) : Our mom Meet the Mexican agent, Reyna. Shes powerful and optimistic, her lore are kinda sad because its about her sister who had some disease and she joined valorant because she needs that. "She was able to work with some of the organization's scientists to set up a procedure that allowed her to transfer some of the life energy she collects into Lucia, keeping her alive - at least for now.". Player-wise : Scary af, especially the maniac laugh when shes use her ultimate and kill people.

  • Chaotic Evil (Raze) : Our Agents from Brazil, Raze. CHAOTIC, CLUMSY, BOOM BADABIM BOOM! Lore Wise : BOOM! Player wise : MORE BOOM

Paul's avatar

Mario: ultimate good guy so has to be lawful good

Peach: monarch of the mushroom kingdom so needs to be seen as neutral and good.

DK: throws barrals arround like a manic, but for the greater good.

Yoshi: my original thought for Yoshi is that hes a mount and so could be considered neutral but im not so sure....

Hat: he possesses sentient beings but at the whim of another, having little control so must be ok with doing whatever.

King Bob-Omb: he will protect his crown from anyone by launching them off a hill, good or bad. Thats fairly chaotic and neutral.

Wario: hes a bad boy but knows when enough is enough. Lawful evil.

Boo: although seen working for bowser, boos have also worked with the mushroom kingdom. So although evil, they are also neutral.

Bowser: its Bowser....

Alex Sinclair's avatar

"Wario: he's a bad boy but knows when enough is enough." - this tickled me

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Paul - have you connected your Instagram? It should have the 'Original' banner if you have. Lmk if you have any issues!

Paul's avatar

I haven't linked it, is using just Twitter ok?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Apologies, I meant to say Twitter, not Instagram. Twitter is absolutely fine, but we'll need you to link it to win image-based prizes. We're going to need to be a bit stricter on that rule moving forward. Hope you understand!

Paul's avatar

Oh right, I thought I had dont that. Should be ok now?

Alex Sinclair's avatar

That's perfect. Thanks Paul!

Makster's avatar

I'd say Wario is more Chaotic than Lawful. Doesn't this guy cheat and steal money?

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

Hope this works...

Lawful Good - It's Minecraft Steve, he is my go-to guy for that area! Neutral Good - Geralt, is neutral in all people's affairs, unless of course paid otherwise! Chaotic Good - Cayde is all about the hero role, but his very personality makes him chaotic and nuts! Lawful Neutral - Ezio for me is the pick here, kills those who need to be killed, but otherwise, he goes about his own business. True Neutral - Spyro! This guy cannot get any more neutral! Chaotic Neutral - Cloud has one agenda, his own, which normally creates chaos. Lawful Evil - Captain Price for me, SAS, commits evil, but only when ordered to do so Neutral Evil - Gordon Freeman, read his backstory, you will get it Chaotic Evil - It's The Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, she is the ultimate evil, she is evil, chaotic, and destructive!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Wanted argue that I would put Cloud as true neutral but then read your reasoning and I can't argue with it... indeed the boy is chaos XD

Makster's avatar

Yeah I'd agree that all mercenaries (Cloud, Geralt) belong in the chaotic neutral category since they generally fight for whomever has the largest paycheque. Obviously the story always follows their POV and therefore we consider what they fight for is good. However in FFVII AVALANCHE is considered a terrorist group to Shinra and Midgar's population

EveOnlineTutorials's avatar

This was actually harder than I thought it would be. When you sit and think oh actually sonic just doesn’t fit anywhere etc

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Of course I had to make an FFXIV version of this with the extra challenge of nominating for each row from the same faction. If you are still going through the game's story you might want to skip my explanations ^^ (this was your spoiler alert)

On Team Good are the Scions of the Seventh Dawn:

Alphinaud Leveilleur: our boy is true to the law and does everything accordingly, for the sake of the realm, and has a hard time learning that not everyone behaves the same way as he does.

G'raha Tia: G'raha starts off as a character not stranger to mischief, then finds himself making a great sacrifice to save his beloved hero and the fate of two stars.

Thancred Waters: Thancred does everything for the cause he believes in and for his friends, this nearly cost his life... not just once.

On Team Neutral are the Ascians:

Hythlodaeus: the ideal diplomat, who can think outside of the box while he's still inside the box

Elidibus: his sole task is to keep the balance between light and dark and he uses every tool at his disposal to keep that balance, as nothing else matters to him just his task.

Emet-selch: somehow there is always method in the madness. Even when he's helping you, you know he will stab you in the back one day. But when, and why?

On Team Evil are the Garlean Empire:

Varis zos Galvus: like a true ruler, he will do everything for the sake of his Empire and destroy everyone who threatens it.

Asahi sas Brutus: the honourless little snake who licks his master's boots while threads on everything below him, even his own family.

Zenos yae Galvus: it's me, me and me. Nothing else matters. He only cares about "The Hunt" and not interested in anything else, even lets his own Empire fall.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Of COURSE it’s FF 🤣

Don’t forget to replace the “x” in your link with “Twitter” so you can embed it! JA is cracking down on entries that don’t have the “Original” banner 😊

Lanah Tyra's avatar

oh so that's why it's broken good to know!

And yes it is FF, did you expect anything else from me? XD

Horror and Cats's avatar

Yeah for some reason my Android does Twitter, but my PC and IPhone does the X one 🤷‍♂️

Oh no I’m not surprised at all haha


Lawful Good: Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, because Tali is Tali and she is good and for the rules.

Neutral Good: Liara T'Soni, because at one point she became a grey figure.

Chaotic Good: Garrus Vakarian, he went on a rampage on Omega doing the cop in a lawless place, killing anything and everything if it was on the criminal side.

Lawful Neutral: Samara, she follows the rules, the rules of her order, but otherwise...

True Neutral: Kasumi Goto, a thief, doing things by her own will and interest.

Chaotic Neutral: Javik, for him the world is already doomed, she isn't evil nor good, but in seeing the world doomed, he fits in the Chaos.

Lawful Evil: Miranda Lawson, she is part of Cerberus and she would do anything to further Cerberus and Humanity's goals, but with an ethic of sort.

Neutral Evil: Zaeed Massani, he goes where the money are, he can kill and all, as long as he get paid enough.

Chaotic Evil: Jack, she is chaotic, she is chaos incarnated.

Alex Sinclair's avatar

Thanks Miyoshi! It looks like you have X account set to private, so the link doesn't work. Do you have a public-facing account that you could link instead?

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

This was hard as the character often switch alignments throughout the story

Lawful Good - Tifa - Fight for good and has a good sense of right and wrong

Neutral Good - Aerith - helps others and believes in doing good for the world

Chaotic Good - Barret - had a good agenda but will do anything to achieve it

Lawful Neutral - Vincent - follows the law

True Neutral - Cloud - starts the game in the middle ground

Chaotic Neutral - Yuffie - a thief who believes in restoring her her country

Lawful Evil - President Shinra - uses his company to commit evil act

Neutral Evil - Heidegger - uses his army to achieve his goals and is not afraid to sacrfice them

Chaotic Evil - Sephiroth - wants to cause destruction


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