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Video Games

Video Games
Horror and Cats's avatar

I woke up today and chose violence…

Resident Evil 2 vs. Silent Hill 2


resident evil 2, the OG one on PlayStation, incredible game!


prob one of my fav games of all time! Back in the day the 2 games in PS1 that just blew my mind as a kid were Metal Gear Solid and Resident Evil 2 🎮🔥🎮

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

oh I am so gonna get you to hate me

Red Alert 2 or Red Alert


oft Red Alert 2 all day! It’s prob the GOAT?! Espesh with the Yuri revenge add on!

Makster's avatar

Metal Gear Solid or Duke Nukem 3D


Offt I’d say MGS, it’s obv the better game but if I was just playing one to chill I’d pick Duke! Controversial haha u!??

Sturmer's avatar

Dwarf Fortress or Loop Hero?


I have never heard of either so I will go for loop hero lol

Sturmer's avatar

how come?! they are classics every gamer should know

tinny_three's avatar

Red Dead Redemption or GTA V?

Shovel's avatar

Im really in to cozy games right now but the positive if that is they’re usually super quick to complete and cheap! So my 2 games are;

Unpacking & A little to the left!

DerRoteKonige's avatar

This is more a battle of storage space....Conan Exiles or Ark.


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