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Video Games

Video Games
FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Sorry but the answer is Zelda, there is no contest here for me, the rest of them were very good games (ish) but Zelda was the supreme game at the time!

Starts to chant "Zelda, Zelda, Zelda"


Now this is one hell of a lineup so I expect some good debate here lol for me it’s Metal Gear Solid followed closely by Resident evil 2!

Lanah Tyra's avatar

You are evil, making us choose from such good games!

I'm torn between Zelda, Tomb Raider III and Rouge Squadron. I think Tomb Raider wins just because it was the first Tomb Raider game I got to play.

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

It would have been easier if there had been a Final Fantasy game released in 1998 lol

Lanah Tyra's avatar

Yes I had to check quickly when did FFVIII come out, but it was in 1999

TheGreatestBanana12's avatar

Yeah lol Chocobo's Dungeon 2 was released in 98 though

Paul's avatar

Its Ocarina of time, iv never even played it and I know that lol.

Kane Carnifex's avatar

Jeah this goes to StarCraft.

Thomas's avatar

Of these my favourite is Sonic Adventure, although really I view it as a 99 game because that's when it was released in the UK. My other answer would be Grim Fandango

Laura's avatar

That's a difficult question. Either Zelda: Ocarina of Time or Spyro. Spyro holds many memories for me. My sister and I never as such grew up together, so when she'd come to visit during school holidays or whatever we'd put Spyro on, I can't even imagine how many times we've beat the original trilogy. My sister isn't a gamer, but Spyro also has her heart too and she'll play it still sometimes.

Juuni's avatar

pulls up the list since I still think 1998 was only 10 years ago ...

Oh, c'mon, how could it not be Resident Evil 2?

(I'll give the 2nd place to Half Life I guess)


Holy cow what a year! A lot of amazing games and so many fond memories with some of these games.

Zelda is an obvious shout, and that would be the case if you dropped it in to categories for many years I'm sure.

Not only was it amazing in scale, story and gameplay at the time but it still holds its own now and has influenced so many games since. It would be one of the games on my shortlist for GOAT

Dave's avatar

Can't be anything other than Half Life. One of the most influential games ever released.


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