Summer Game Fest - the series of digital showcases that's replaced E3 - is coming up fast, with the main showcase kicking off this Friday. It's time to get fantasising, wishlisting, and/or speculating!
Give us one of your dream announcements, or give us several and call it a wishlist, and give it a likelihood rating. If you want to play the speculation game and try to guess what'll actually be revealed at the show, let us know that's what you're doing. If you want to go all out on fantastical things that'll never happen - like Sony and Microsoft merge and release a console powered by soup, or Half-Life 3 - then tell us that, too.
Lots of prizes for this one - the 30 best (most upvoted, funniest, most insightful) submissions get $1 each!
Summer Game Fest kicks off at 1700 Eastern / 2200 BST this Friday, June 7, which is when this bounty will close. You can watch it here.
already paid
$17 / 30
This reward closed to entries at 12pm on June 11, 2024 but you can still reply, react, and join the conversation below! If you’d like to enter other rewards which are still open, click here.
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