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Video Games

Video Games

The console i mainly focus on are:

Sega master system

Sega mega drive II

Playstation original

Gamecube (and soon gameboy games once i have the attatchment for it)

PS4 (probably not retro but hey its in my collection)

And classic PC games if they work

Horror and Cats's avatar

I’ve got like, half a TB of abandonware PC games. Mostly horror and horror adjacent, but some of them are actually quite good like Cryostasis: Sleep of Reason.

Project Xenophobe is a fun point and click and the main theme was done by cello rockers Apocalyptica.

Lots of awesome abandonware out there.

CelestialFlea's avatar

N64 Crystal (Retro RGB)

Lylat Wars (Starfox in the US)

Perfect Dark

Conkers Bad Fur Day

Pokémon Stadium 2


F-Zero X

Extreme G 1&2

Mario Kart


Vigilante 8 (For blowing shit up)

Banjo Kazooie

Zelda Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask

Plenty to get you started

JHenckes's avatar

What games are you playing?

Makster's avatar

I think with retro gaming now there is a distinction between whether you want to play them or whether you just want to display them.

I'd also focus on one console rather than spreading yourself thin - otherwise you may have two SNES games, 4 NES games, and 5 N64 and the rest of the money is on buying the console (hopefully in decent condition), accessories, controllers etc.


Thats true, so for me i collect them so i can play, at the monent i have had a focus on finding and purchasing old games i remember from childhood and attempting to actually complete them - I didnt have much success as a child gamer to complete them lol, but then i will also look at purchasing rare games to play as well.

Juuni's avatar

Sometimes I'll go back for some NES stuff, but if I'm going to really go back to playing something 'retro' ...

Sierra On-Line ... Quest titles.

Space Quest, King's Quest, Police Quest, Sex Quest......uh, I mean, Leisure Suit Larry.

About every 2 years, I get the itch to go back and play thru them all again.


So ive just re-started back up the remainder of Die Hard Vendetta on the Nintendo Gamecube. The controls are not necessarily hard to operate but god damn the controlling of the camera for aiming your weapon is still a pain to do. Yet a good old fashion run around and just shoot the bad guys is a good flash of the past, that and enjoying bullet time oh and listening to 'ode to joy' whilst in a killing spree. I good time to end a holiday from work, and begin countdown to xmas, need to get the die hard trilogy on playstation.

Paul's avatar

I love my retro games.

Im currently playing alot of Game Boy Advance atm but I also have a PS2, 360, DS and a Game Cube that currently isnt showing a picture, hd cable on the way 🤞

I dont display but collect to play. One game Iv always wanted is zelda Ocorina of time but I never had a 64. Got a ds as an adult, realised it was released for 3ds. Years later, finaly got a game cube and bought the game off didnt work. A few years later I got a proven copy from cube now dosent work.....

Paul's avatar


The new cable works!!!!


So while its not retro per sai ive just started back up the tomb raider original 3 remastered on the xbox and the graphic update are pretty sweet :)


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