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Video Games
Makster's avatar

FF7 and again in Rebirth..

Lanah Tyra's avatar

The ending of FF7 Crisis Core. I haven't been able to play the remastered PC version yet because I'm not ready to bawl my eyes out again.

FirestormGamingTeam's avatar

Life Is Strange

That game had mee in tears so much it was not funny, it was so emotionally gripping and so built on emotion and feelings.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Feel you there. Also, that’s the GOOD ending for Arthur so props

Hunter's avatar

Yeah in every playthrough I did I couldn't end it as bad Arthur, I couldn't :( !

SIRCAM's avatar

Gears of War

As gamer, the death of Dom, even nowadays his destiny haunt a lot of us.

Horror and Cats's avatar

You know what almost got me? When Dom “reunites” with his wife in Gears 2. When the filter shift and reveal happened I genuinely gasped

SIRCAM's avatar

The writers of this series know how make big grown men cry, even with the new trailer of the upcoming Gears Of War.

Horror and Cats's avatar

That Mad World piano riff evokes it well haha

SIRCAM's avatar

A melody that will live till the end in our heads.

Braulio M Lara 🔹's avatar



A Hero..? a traitor..? in the Cold War PS2 videogame the original Snake must fight against his old mentor in a White flower field

But the end of this fight we know and of course break our hearts

The Boss was a hero but will be remembered like a traitor

Let’s participate it 💪🏼

AndyRice's avatar

Outerwild and it’s dlc. I can’t talk too much because I’ll be extremely guilty to other players if I spoil the content lol.

Horror and Cats's avatar

Fair enough haha. You can click the little eye icon if you want to hide and marks spoilers though fyi :)

AndyRice's avatar

Wow I didn’t know that, this is great!

Boomer's avatar

That's a perfect use of the spoiler feature, but as a diehard Outer Wilds fan I'd worry that curious people would spoil it for themselves.

If you know, you know represents the game so well. Progression is entirely based on the knowledge you pick up throughout your journey, and once you finish it you can never replay it.

I've shared my spolier-free take below without any gameplay / story details, but if you haven't played Outer Wilds then I still advise not reading it:

Just listen to this instead...

Boomer's avatar

I so desperately want to get the OST on vinyl but it's always sold out 😭

CommanderA9's avatar

Halo 3.

The death of Sergeant Avery Johnson.


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