Games have a unique attribute in the media scape--they give you agency in your entertainment.
This means you have the literal controls and therefore possess a level of culpability for the things the characters do under your control.
You also have a vested interest in what happens because you are trying to progress in the game you spent your money on, so you develop an interest in the game's cast. Sometimes the art of videogames can draw you into the world better than film, TV or a book/comic ever could.
What game pulled you in so far you shed at least one tear due to events in the game?
For me, it was...
Caution:Spoilers inside
... when you start to play as Abby in The Last of Us 2 and go on missions with Alice (yes, I know it's Bear in the picture).
While playing as Ellie, you end up becoming numbed to killing dogs. It's not something you want to do, it's not something you like to do, but unless you are a stealth savant, you will kill at least three dogs reaching the end of TLOU2's first act.
Then, during a quick time event, you dispatch another dog. By this time, you think nothing of it. it's been 6-8 hours and dogs are an enemy.
After you switch over to playing as Abby, you meet Bear (pictured above) who is a very good boy and just wants to play fetch. Then, for your mission, you are assigned Alice.
Alice kicks immense posterior, saving your life organically during gameplay and once during a scripted moment. She was trained by the Western Liberation Front. She is just a dog protecting the people she loves.
That's when I knew Alice was the dog from the quick time event.
"Cried" isn't quite accurate. No tears went down my cheeks. But, I felt the weight of it and definitely "rubbed my eyes."
How about you?
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